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参数 说明
–/prefetch /prefetch:# arguments to use when launching various process types. It has been observed that when file reads are consistent for 3 process launches with the same /prefetch:# argument, the Windows prefetcher starts issuing reads in batch at process launch. Because reads depend on the process type, the prefetcher wouldn’t be able to observe consistent reads if no /prefetch:# arguments were used. Note that the browser process has no /prefetch:# argument; as such all other processes must have one in order to avoid polluting its profile. Note: # must always be in [1, 8]; otherwise it is ignored by the Windows prefetcher.
–/prefetch No description
–/prefetch No description
–/prefetch No description
–/prefetch /prefetch:# arguments for the browser process launched in background mode and for the watcher process. Use profiles 5, 6 and 7 as documented on kPrefetchArgument* in content_switches.cc.
–/prefetch No description
–/prefetch Prefetch arguments are used by the Windows prefetcher to disambiguate different execution modes (i.e. process types) of the same executable image so that different types of processes don’t trample each others’ prefetch behavior. Legal values are integers in the range [1, 8]. We reserve 8 to mean “whatever”, and this will ultimately lead to processes with /prefetch:8 having inconsistent behavior thus disabling prefetch in practice. TODO(rockot): Make it possible for embedders to override this argument on a per-service basis.
–10000 No description
–100000 No description
–1000000 No description
–3d-display-mode No description
–50000 No description
–500000 No description
–5000000 No description
–? No description
–accept-resource-provider Flag indicating that a resource provider must be set up to provide cast receiver with resources. Apps cannot start until provided resources. This flag implies –alsa-check-close-timeout=0.
–account-consistency[2] Command line flag for enabling account consistency. Default mode is disabled. Mirror is a legacy mode in which Google accounts are always addded to Chrome, and Chrome then adds them to the Google authentication cookies. Dice is a new experiment in which Chrome is aware of the accounts in the Google authentication cookies.
–adaboost No description
–add-gpu-appcontainer-caps Add additional capabilities to the AppContainer sandbox on the GPU process.
–add-xr-appcontainer-caps Add additional capabilities to the AppContainer sandbox used for XR compositing.
–agc-startup-min-volume Override the default minimum starting volume of the Automatic Gain Control algorithm in WebRTC used with audio tracks from getUserMedia. The valid range is 12-255. Values outside that range will be clamped to the lowest or highest valid value inside WebRTC. TODO(tommi): Remove this switch when crbug.com/555577 is fixed.
–aggressive No description
–aggressive-cache-discard No description
–aggressive-tab-discard No description
–all No description
–all-renderers No description
–allarticles No description
–allow-cross-origin-auth-prompt Allows third-party content included on a page to prompt for a HTTP basic auth username/password pair.
–allow-external-pages Allow access to external pages during web tests.
–allow-failed-policy-fetch-for-test If this flag is passed, failed policy fetches will not cause profile initialization to fail. This is useful for tests because it means that tests don’t have to mock out the policy infrastructure.
–allow-file-access-from-files By default, file:// URIs cannot read other file:// URIs. This is an override for developers who need the old behavior for testing.
–allow-http-background-page Allows non-https URL for background_page for hosted apps.
–allow-http-screen-capture Allow non-secure origins to use the screen capture API and the desktopCapture extension API.
–allow-insecure-localhost Enables TLS/SSL errors on localhost to be ignored (no interstitial, no blocking of requests).
–allow-legacy-extension-manifests Allows the browser to load extensions that lack a modern manifest when that would otherwise be forbidden.
–allow-loopback-in-peer-connection Allows loopback interface to be added in network list for peer connection.
–allow-nacl-crxfs-api[3] Specifies comma-separated list of extension ids or hosts to grant access to CRX file system APIs.
–allow-nacl-file-handle-api[3] Specifies comma-separated list of extension ids or hosts to grant access to file handle APIs.
–allow-nacl-socket-api[3] Specifies comma-separated list of extension ids or hosts to grant access to TCP/UDP socket APIs.
–allow-no-sandbox-job Enables the sandboxed processes to run without a job object assigned to them. This flag is required to allow Chrome to run in RemoteApps or Citrix. This flag can reduce the security of the sandboxed processes and allow them to do certain API calls like shut down Windows or access the clipboard. Also we lose the chance to kill some processes until the outer job that owns them finishes.
–allow-outdated-plugins Don’t block outdated plugins.
–allow-popups-during-page-unload Allow a page to show popups during its unloading. TODO(https://crbug.com/937569): Remove this in Chrome 82.
–allow-ra-in-dev-mode Allows remote attestation (RA) in dev mode for testing purpose. Usually RA is disabled in dev mode because it will always fail. However, there are cases in testing where we do want to go through the permission flow even in dev mode. This can be enabled by this flag.
–allow-running-insecure-content By default, an https page cannot run JavaScript, CSS or plugins from http URLs. This provides an override to get the old insecure behavior.
–allow-sandbox-debugging Allows debugging of sandboxed processes (see zygote_main_linux.cc).
–allow-silent-push Allows Web Push notifications that do not show a notification.
–allow-third-party-modules Allows third party modules to inject by disabling the BINARY_SIGNATURE mitigation policy on Win10+. Also has other effects in ELF.
–allow-unsecure-dlls[4] Don’t allow EnableSecureDllLoading to run when this is set. This is only to be used in tests.
–alsa-amp-device-name Name of the device the amp mixer should be opened on. If this flag is not specified it will default to the same device as kAlsaVolumeDeviceName.
–alsa-amp-element-name Name of the simple mixer control element that the ALSA-based media library should use to toggle powersave mode on the system.
–alsa-check-close-timeout Time in ms to wait before closing the PCM handle when no more mixer inputs remain. Assumed to be 0 if –accept-resource-provider is present.
–alsa-enable-upsampling Flag that enables resampling audio with sample rate below 32kHz up to 48kHz. Should be set to true for internal audio products.
–alsa-fixed-output-sample-rate Optional flag to set a fixed sample rate for the alsa device. Deprecated: Use –audio-output-sample-rate instead.
–alsa-input-device[5] The Alsa device to use when opening an audio input stream.
–alsa-mute-device-name Name of the device the mute mixer should be opened on. If this flag is not specified it will default to the same device as kAlsaVolumeDeviceName.
–alsa-mute-element-name Name of the simple mixer control element that the ALSA-based media library should use to mute the system.
–alsa-output-avail-min Minimum number of available frames for scheduling a transfer.
–alsa-output-buffer-size Size of the ALSA output buffer in frames. This directly sets the latency of the output device. Latency can be calculated by multiplying the sample rate by the output buffer size.
–alsa-output-device[5] The Alsa device to use when opening an audio stream.
–alsa-output-period-size Size of the ALSA output period in frames. The period of an ALSA output device determines how many frames elapse between hardware interrupts.
–alsa-output-start-threshold How many frames need to be in the output buffer before output starts.
–alsa-volume-device-name Name of the device the volume control mixer should be opened on. Will use the same device as kAlsaOutputDevice and fall back to “default” if kAlsaOutputDevice is not supplied.
–alsa-volume-element-name Name of the simple mixer control element that the ALSA-based media library should use to control the volume.
–also-emit-success-logs Also emit full event trace logs for successful tests.
–alt1 The Chrome-Proxy “exp” directive value used by data reduction proxy to receive an alternative back end implementation.
–alt10 No description
–alt2 No description
–alt3 No description
–alt4 No description
–alt5 No description
–alt6 No description
–alt7 No description
–alt8 No description
–alt9 No description
–alternate-android-messages-install-url No description
–alternate-android-messages-url No description
–always-use-complex-text Always use the complex text path for web tests.
–alwaystrue No description
–android-fonts-path Uses the android SkFontManager on linux. The specified directory should include the configuration xml file with the name “fonts.xml”. This is used in blimp to emulate android fonts on linux.
–angle No description
–animation-duration-scale Scale factor to apply to every animation duration. Must be >= 0.0. This will only apply to LinearAnimation and its subclasses.
–app Specifies that the associated value should be launched in “application” mode.
–app-auto-launched Specifies whether an app launched in kiosk mode was auto launched with zero delay. Used in order to properly restore auto-launched state during session restore flow.
–app-id Specifies that the extension-app with the specified id should be launched according to its configuration.
–app-mode-auth-code Value of GAIA auth code for –force-app-mode.
–app-mode-oauth-token Value of OAuth2 refresh token for –force-app-mode.
–app-mode-oem-manifest Path for app’s OEM manifest file.
–app-shell-allow-roaming[6] Allow roaming in the cellular network.
–app-shell-host-window-size[6] Size for the host window to create (i.e. “800×600”).
–app-shell-preferred-network[6] SSID of the preferred WiFi network.
–apple No description
–apps-gallery-download-url The URL that the webstore APIs download extensions from. Note: the URL must contain one ‘%s’ for the extension ID.
–apps-gallery-update-url The update url used by gallery/webstore extensions.
–apps-gallery-url The URL to use for the gallery link in the app launcher.
–apps-keep-chrome-alive-in-tests[7] Prevents Chrome from quitting when Chrome Apps are open.
–arc-availability Signals ARC support status on this device. This can take one of the following three values. – none: ARC is not installed on this device. (default) – installed: ARC is installed on this device, but not officially supported. Users can enable ARC only when Finch experiment is turned on. – officially-supported: ARC is installed and supported on this device. So users can enable ARC via settings etc.
–arc-available DEPRECATED: Please use –arc-availability=installed. Signals the availability of the ARC instance on this device.
–arc-data-cleanup-on-start Flag that forces ARC data be cleaned on each start.
–arc-disable-app-sync Flag that disables ARC app sync flow that installs some apps silently. Used in autotests to resolve racy conditions.
–arc-disable-locale-sync Flag that disables ARC locale sync with Android container. Used in autotest to prevent conditions when certain apps, including Play Store may get restarted. Restarting Play Store may cause random test failures. Enabling this flag would also forces ARC container to use ‘en-US’ as a locale and ‘en-US,en’ as preferred languages.
–arc-disable-play-auto-install Flag that disables ARC Play Auto Install flow that installs set of predefined apps silently. Used in autotests to resolve racy conditions.
–arc-force-cache-app-icons Flag that forces ARC to cache icons for apps.
–arc-force-show-optin-ui Flag that forces the OptIn ui to be shown. Used in tests.
–arc-packages-cache-mode Used in autotest to specifies how to handle packages cache. Can be copy – copy resulting packages.xml to the temporary directory. skip-copy – skip initial packages cache setup and copy resulting packages.xml to the temporary directory.
–arc-play-store-auto-update Used in autotest to forces Play Store auto-update state. Can be on – auto-update is forced on. off – auto-update is forced off.
–arc-start-mode Defines how to start ARC. This can take one of the following values: – always-start automatically start with Play Store UI support. – always-start-with-no-play-store automatically start without Play Store UI. If it is not set, then ARC is started in default mode.
–arc-transition-migration-required If this flag is present then the device had ARC M available and gets ARC N when updating. TODO(pmarko): Remove this when we assess that it’s not necessary anymore: crbug.com/761348.
–ash-color-mode Indicates the current color mode of ash.
–ash-constrain-pointer-to-root Force the pointer (cursor) position to be kept inside root windows.
–ash-debug-shortcuts Enable keyboard shortcuts useful for debugging.
–ash-dev-shortcuts Enable keyboard shortcuts used by developers only.
–ash-disable-touch-exploration-mode Disable the Touch Exploration Mode. Touch Exploration Mode will no longer be turned on automatically when spoken feedback is enabled when this flag is set.
–ash-enable-cursor-motion-blur Enable cursor motion blur.
–ash-enable-magnifier-key-scroller Enables key bindings to scroll magnified screen.
–ash-enable-palette-on-all-displays Enables the palette on every display, instead of only the internal one.
–ash-enable-software-mirroring Enables software based mirroring.
–ash-enable-unified-desktop[6] Enables unified desktop mode.
–ash-enable-v1-app-back-button Enables Backbutton on frame for v1 apps. TODO(oshima): Remove this once the feature is launched. crbug.com/749713.
–ash-hide-notifications-for-factory Hides notifications that are irrelevant to Chrome OS device factory testing, such as battery level updates.
–ash-host-window-bounds Sets a window size, optional position, and optional scale factor. “1024×768” creates a window of size 1024×768. “100+200-1024×768” positions the window at 100,200. “1024×768*2” sets the scale factor to 2 for a high DPI display. “800,0+800-800×800” for two displays at 800×800 resolution. “800,0+800-800×800,0+1600-800×800” for three displays at 800×800 resolution.
–ash-power-button-position Power button position includes the power button’s physical display side and the percentage for power button center position to the display’s width/height in landscape_primary screen orientation. The value is a JSON object containing a “position” property with the value “left”, “right”, “top”, or “bottom”. For “left” and “right”, a “y” property specifies the button’s center position as a fraction of the display’s height (in [0.0, 1.0]) relative to the top of the display. For “top” and “bottom”, an “x” property gives the position as a fraction of the display’s width relative to the left side of the display.
–ash-side-volume-button-position The physical position info of the side volume button while in landscape primary screen orientation. The value is a JSON object containing a “region” property with the value “keyboard”, “screen” and a “side” property with the value “left”, “right”, “top”, “bottom”.
–ash-touch-hud Enables the heads-up display for tracking touch points.
–attestation-server Used in CryptohomeClient to determine which Google Privacy CA to use for attestation.
–audio No description
–audio-buffer-size Allow users to specify a custom buffer size for debugging purpose.
–audio-output-channels Number of audio output channels. This will be used to send audio buffer with specific number of channels to ALSA and generate loopback audio. Default value is 2.
–audio-output-sample-rate Specify fixed sample rate for audio output stream. If this flag is not specified the StreamMixer will choose sample rate based on the sample rate of the media stream.
–audio-service-quit-timeout-ms Set a timeout (in milliseconds) for the audio service to quit if there are no client connections to it. If the value is negative the service never quits.
–aura-legacy-power-button (Most) Chrome OS hardware reports ACPI power button releases correctly. Standard hardware reports releases immediately after presses. If set, we lock the screen or shutdown the system immediately in response to a press instead of displaying an interactive animation.
–auth-server-whitelist Whitelist for Negotitate Auth servers.
–auth-spnego-account-type[8] Android authentication account type for SPNEGO authentication
–auto No description
–auto-open-devtools-for-tabs This flag makes Chrome auto-open DevTools window for each tab. It is intended to be used by developers and automation to not require user interaction for opening DevTools.
–auto-select-desktop-capture-source This flag makes Chrome auto-select the provided choice when an extension asks permission to start desktop capture. Should only be used for tests. For instance, –auto-select-desktop-capture-source=”Entire screen” will automatically select to share the entire screen in English locales.
–autofill-api-key Sets the API key that will be used when calling Autofill API instead of using Chrome’s baked key by default. You can use this to test new versions of the API that are not linked to the Chrome baked key yet.
–autofill-ios-delay-between-fields The delay between filling two fields.
–autofill-metadata-upload-encoding The randomized encoding type to use when sending metadata uploads. The value of the parameter must be one of the valid integer values of the AutofillRandomizedValue_EncodingType enum.
–autofill-server-url Override the default autofill server URL with “scheme://host[:port]/prefix/”.
–autofill-upload-throttling-period-in-days The number of days after which to reset the registry of autofill events for which an upload has been sent.
–autoplay-policy Command line flag name to set the autoplay policy.
–back-gesture-horizontal-threshold The number of pixels from the start of a left swipe gesture to consider as a ‘back’ gesture.
–blink-settings Set blink settings. Format is <name>[=<value],<name>[=<value>],… The names are declared in Settings.json5. For boolean type, use “true”, “false”, or omit ‘=<value>’ part to set to true. For enum type, use the int value of the enum value. Applied after other command line flags and prefs.
–block-new-web-contents If true, then all pop-ups and calls to window.open will fail.
–bootstrap Values for the kExtensionContentVerification flag. See ContentVerifierDelegate::Mode for more explanation.
–bottom-gesture-start-height The number of pixels up from the bottom of the screen to consider as a valid origin for a bottom swipe gesture. If set, overrides the value of both the above system-gesture-start-height flag and the default value in cast_system_gesture_handler.cc.
–browser No description
–browser-startup-dialog Causes the browser process to display a dialog on launch.
–browser-subprocess-path Path to the exe to run for the renderer and plugin subprocesses.
–browser-test Tells whether the code is running browser tests (this changes the startup URL used by the content shell and also disables features that can make tests flaky [like monitoring of memory pressure]).
–bwsi Indicates that the browser is in “browse without sign-in” (Guest session) mode. Should completely disable extensions, sync and bookmarks.
–bypass-app-banner-engagement-checks This flag causes the user engagement checks for showing app banners to be bypassed. It is intended to be used by developers who wish to test that their sites otherwise meet the criteria needed to show app banners.
–canvas-msaa-sample-count The number of MSAA samples for canvas2D. Requires MSAA support by GPU to have an effect. 0 disables MSAA.
–cast-app-background-color Background color used when Chromium hasn’t rendered anything yet.
–cast-initial-screen-height No description
–cast-initial-screen-width Used to pass initial screen resolution to GPU process. This allows us to set screen size correctly (so no need to resize when first window is created).
–cc-layer-tree-test-long-timeout Increases timeout for memory checkers.
–cc-layer-tree-test-no-timeout Prevents the layer tree unit tests from timing out.
–cc-rebaseline-pixeltests Makes pixel tests write their output instead of read it.
–cc-scroll-animation-duration-in-seconds Controls the duration of the scroll animation curve.
–cdm No description
–cellular-first If this flag is set, it indicates that this device is a “Cellular First” device. Cellular First devices use cellular telephone data networks as their primary means of connecting to the internet. Setting this flag has two consequences: 1. Cellular data roaming will be enabled by default. 2. UpdateEngine will be instructed to allow auto-updating over cellular data connections.
–check-damage-early Checks damage early and aborts the frame if no damage, so that clients like Android WebView don’t invalidate unnecessarily.
–check-for-update-interval How often (in seconds) to check for updates. Should only be used for testing purposes.
–child-wallpaper-large Default large wallpaper to use for kids accounts (as path to trusted, non-user-writable JPEG file).
–child-wallpaper-small Default small wallpaper to use for kids accounts (as path to trusted, non-user-writable JPEG file).
–ChromeOSMemoryPressureHandling The memory pressure thresholds selection which is used to decide whether and when a memory pressure event needs to get fired.
–cipher-suite-blacklist Comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites to disable.
–clamshell Values for the kAshUiMode flag.
–class[9] The same as the –class argument in X applications. Overrides the WM_CLASS window property with the given value.
–cleaning-timeout Set the timeout for the cleaning phase, in minutes. 0 disables the timeout entirely. WARNING: this switch is used by internal test systems. Be careful when making changes.
–cleanup-id Identifier used to group all reports generated during the same run of the cleaner, including runs before and after a reboot. The id is generated by the first cleaner process for a run, and propagated to spawned or scheduled cleaner processes. A new id will be generated in the first process for a subsequent cleanup, so cleanups from the same user cannot be tracked over time.
–clear-key-cdm-path-for-testing Specifies the path to the Clear Key CDM for testing, which is necessary to support External Clear Key key system when library CDM is enabled. Note that External Clear Key key system support is also controlled by feature kExternalClearKeyForTesting.
–clear-litepage-redirect-local-blacklist-on-startup Clears the local Lite Page Redirect blacklist on startup.
–clear-token-service Clears the token service before using it. This allows simulating the expiration of credentials during testing.
–cloud-print-file Tells chrome to display the cloud print dialog and upload the specified file for printing.
–cloud-print-file-type Specifies the mime type to be used when uploading data from the file referenced by cloud-print-file. Defaults to “application/pdf” if unspecified.
–cloud-print-job-title Used with kCloudPrintFile to specify a title for the resulting print job.
–cloud-print-print-ticket Used with kCloudPrintFile to specify a JSON print ticket for the resulting print job. Defaults to null if unspecified.
–cloud-print-setup-proxy Setup cloud print proxy for provided printers. This does not start service or register proxy for autostart.
–cloud-print-url The URL of the cloud print service to use, overrides any value stored in preferences, and the default. Only used if the cloud print service has been enabled. Used for testing.
–cloud-print-xmpp-endpoint The XMPP endpoint the cloud print service will use. Only used if the cloud print service has been enabled. Used for testing.
–compensate-for-unstable-pinch-zoom Enable compensation for unstable pinch zoom. Some touch screens display significant amount of wobble when moving a finger in a straight line. This makes two finger scroll trigger an oscillating pinch zoom. See crbug.com/394380 for details.
–compile-shader-always-succeeds Always return success when compiling a shader. Linking will still fail.
–component-updater Comma-separated options to troubleshoot the component updater. Only valid for the browser process.
–connectivity-check-url Url for network connectivity checking. Default is “https://clients3.google.com/generate_204”.
–conservative No description
–content-shell-hide-toolbar Hides toolbar from content_shell’s host window.
–content-shell-host-window-size Size for the content_shell’s host window (i.e. “800×600”).
–controller No description
–crash Crash flag to force a crash right away. Mainly intended for ensuring crashes are properly recorded by crashpad.
–crash-dumps-dir The directory breakpad should store minidumps in.
–crash-handler Runs as the Crashpad handler.
–crash-loop-before[6] A time_t. Passed by session_manager into the Chrome user session, indicating that if Chrome crashes before the indicated time, session_manager will consider this to be a crash-loop situation and log the user out. Chrome mostly just passes this to crash_reporter if it crashes.
–crash-on-failure When specified to “enable-leak-detection” command-line option, causes the leak detector to cause immediate crash when found leak.
–crash-on-hang-threads Comma-separated list of BrowserThreads that cause browser process to crash if the given browser thread is not responsive. UI/IO are the BrowserThreads that are supported. For example: –crash-on-hang-threads=UI:18,IO:18 –> Crash the browser if UI or IO is not responsive for 18 seconds while the other browser thread is responsive.
–crash-server-url Server url to upload crash data to. Default is “https://clients2.google.com/cr/report” for prod devices. Default is “https://clients2.google.com/cr/staging_report” for non prod.
–crash-test Causes the browser process to crash on startup.
–crashpad-handler A process type (switches::kProcessType) that indicates chrome.exe or setup.exe is being launched as crashpad_handler. This is only used on Windows. We bundle the handler into chrome.exe on Windows because there is high probability of a “new” .exe being blocked or interfered with by application firewalls, AV software, etc. On other platforms, crashpad_handler is a standalone executable.
–create-browser-on-startup-for-tests Some platforms like ChromeOS default to empty desktop. Browser tests may need to add this switch so that at least one browser instance is created on startup. TODO(nkostylev): Investigate if this switch could be removed. (http://crbug.com/148675)
–cros-region Forces CrOS region value.
–cros-regions-mode Control regions data load (“” is default).
–crosh-command[6] Custom crosh command.
–cryptauth-http-host Overrides the default URL for Google APIs (https://www.proxy.ustclug.org) used by CryptAuth.
–cryptauth-v2-devicesync-http-host Overrides the default URL for CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync: https://cryptauthdevicesync.proxy.ustclug.org.
–cryptauth-v2-enrollment-http-host Overrides the default URL for CryptAuth v2 Enrollment: https://cryptauthenrollment.proxy.ustclug.org.
–custom-devtools-frontend Specify a custom path to devtools for devtools tests
–custom-launcher-page Specifies the chrome-extension:// URL for the contents of an additional page added to the app launcher.
–custom_summary[8] Forces a custom summary to be displayed below the update menu item.
–d3d-support No description
–d3d11 No description
–d3d11-null Special switches for “NULL”/stub driver implementations.
–d3d9 No description
–daemon No description
–dark No description
–data-path Makes Content Shell use the given path for its data directory.
–data-reduction-proxy-client-config Uses the encoded ClientConfig instead of fetching one from the config server. This value is always used, regardless of error or expiration. The value should be a base64 encoded binary protobuf.
–data-reduction-proxy-config-url The URL from which to retrieve the Data Reduction Proxy configuration.
–data-reduction-proxy-experiment The name of a Data Reduction Proxy experiment to run. These experiments are defined by the proxy server. Use –force-fieldtrials for Data Reduction Proxy field trials.
–data-reduction-proxy-http-proxies The semicolon-separated list of proxy server URIs to override the list of HTTP proxies returned by the Data Saver API. It is illegal to use |kDataReductionProxy| or |kDataReductionProxyFallback| switch in conjunction with |kDataReductionProxyHttpProxies|. If the URI omits a scheme, then the proxy server scheme defaults to HTTP, and if the port is omitted then the default port for that scheme is used. E.g. “http://foo.net:80”, “http://foo.net”, “foo.net:80”, and “foo.net” are all equivalent.
–data-reduction-proxy-pingback-url No description
–data-reduction-proxy-secure-proxy-check-url Sets a secure proxy check URL to test before committing to using the Data Reduction Proxy. Note this check does not go through the Data Reduction Proxy.
–data-reduction-proxy-server-experiments-disabled Disables server experiments that may be enabled through field trial.
–dbus-stub Forces the stub implementation of D-Bus clients.
–deadline-to-synchronize-surfaces The default number of the BeginFrames to wait to activate a surface with dependencies.
–debug-devtools Run devtools tests in debug mode (not bundled and minified)
–debug-enable-frame-toggle Enables a frame context menu item that toggles the frame in and out of glass mode (Windows Vista and up only).
–debug-packed-apps Adds debugging entries such as Inspect Element to context menus of packed apps.
–debug-print[10] Enables support to debug printing subsystem.
–default No description
–default-background-color The background color to be used if the page doesn’t specify one. Provided as RGBA integer value in hex, e.g. ‘ff0000ff’ for red or ‘00000000’ for transparent.
–default-tile-height No description
–default-tile-width Sets the tile size used by composited layers.
–default-wallpaper-is-oem Indicates that the wallpaper images specified by kAshDefaultWallpaper{Large,Small} are OEM-specific (i.e. they are not downloadable from Google).
–default-wallpaper-large Default large wallpaper to use (as path to trusted, non-user-writable JPEG file).
–default-wallpaper-small Default small wallpaper to use (as path to trusted, non-user-writable JPEG file).
–deny-permission-prompts Prevents permission prompts from appearing by denying instead of showing prompts.
–derelict-detection-timeout Time in seconds before a machine at OOBE is considered derelict.
–derelict-idle-timeout Time in seconds before a derelict machines starts demo mode.
–desktop No description
–desktop-window-1080p When present, desktop cast_shell will create 1080p window (provided display resolution is high enough). Otherwise, cast_shell defaults to 720p.
–deterministic-mode A meta flag. This sets a number of flags which put the browser into deterministic mode where begin frames should be issued over DevToolsProtocol (experimental).
–device-management-url Specifies the URL at which to communicate with the device management backend to fetch configuration policies and perform other device tasks.
–device-scale-factor Device scale factor passed to certain processes like renderers, etc.
–devtools-flags Passes command line parameters to the DevTools front-end.
–diagnostics Triggers a plethora of diagnostic modes.
–diagnostics-format Sets the output format for diagnostic modes enabled by diagnostics flag.
–diagnostics-recovery Tells the diagnostics mode to do the requested recovery step(s).
–dice[2] No description
–disable-2d-canvas-clip-aa Disable antialiasing on 2d canvas clips
–disable-2d-canvas-image-chromium Disables Canvas2D rendering into a scanout buffer for overlay support.
–disable-3d-apis Disables client-visible 3D APIs, in particular WebGL and Pepper 3D. This is controlled by policy and is kept separate from the other enable/disable switches to avoid accidentally regressing the policy support for controlling access to these APIs.
–disable-accelerated-2d-canvas Disable gpu-accelerated 2d canvas.
–disable-accelerated-mjpeg-decode Disable hardware acceleration of mjpeg decode for captured frame, where available.
–disable-accelerated-video-decode Disables hardware acceleration of video decode, where available.
–disable-accelerated-video-encode Disables hardware acceleration of video encode, where available.
–disable-angle-features Disables specified comma separated ANGLE features if found.
–disable-app-list-dismiss-on-blur If set, the app list will not be dismissed when it loses focus. This is useful when testing the app list or a custom launcher page. It can still be dismissed via the other methods (like the Esc key).
–disable-appcontainer Disable appcontainer/lowbox for renderer on Win8+ platforms.
–disable-arc-cpu-restriction Prevents any CPU restrictions being set on the ARC container. Only meant to be used by tests as some tests may time out if the ARC container is throttled.
–disable-arc-data-wipe Disables android user data wipe on opt out.
–disable-arc-opt-in-verification Disables ARC Opt-in verification process and ARC is enabled by default.
–disable-audio-output No description
–disable-audio-support-for-desktop-share No description
–disable-auto-reload Disable auto-reload of error pages.
–disable-avfoundation-overlays[11] Disable use of AVFoundation to draw video content.
–disable-background-networking Disable several subsystems which run network requests in the background. This is for use when doing network performance testing to avoid noise in the measurements.
–disable-background-timer-throttling Disable task throttling of timer tasks from background pages.
–disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows Disable backgrounding renders for occluded windows. Done for tests to avoid nondeterministic behavior.
–disable-backing-store-limit Disable limits on the number of backing stores. Can prevent blinking for users with many windows/tabs and lots of memory.
–disable-best-effort-tasks Delays execution of TaskPriority::BEST_EFFORT tasks until shutdown.
–disable-blink-features Disable one or more Blink runtime-enabled features. Use names from runtime_enabled_features.json5, separated by commas. Applied after kEnableBlinkFeatures, and after other flags that change these features.
–disable-breakpad Disables the crash reporting.
–disable-bundled-ppapi-flash Disables the bundled PPAPI version of Flash.
–disable-cancel-all-touches[12] Disable CancelAllTouches() function for the implementation on cancel single touches.
–disable-canvas-aa Disable antialiasing on 2d canvas.
–disable-checker-imaging Disabled defering all image decodes to the image decode service, ignoring DecodingMode preferences specified on PaintImage.
–disable-client-side-phishing-detection Disables the client-side phishing detection feature. Note that even if client-side phishing detection is enabled, it will only be active if the user has opted in to UMA stats and SafeBrowsing is enabled in the preferences.
–disable-component-cloud-policy Disables fetching and storing cloud policy for components.
–disable-component-extensions-with-background-pages Disable default component extensions with background pages – useful for performance tests where these pages may interfere with perf results.
–disable-component-update No description
–disable-composited-antialiasing Disables layer-edge anti-aliasing in the compositor.
–disable-cookie-encryption Whether cookies stored as part of user profile are encrypted.
–disable-crash-reporter Disable crash reporter for headless. It is enabled by default in official builds.
–disable-d3d11 Disables use of D3D11.
–disable-data-reduction-proxy-warmup-url-fetch Disables fetching of the warmup URL.
–disable-data-reduction-proxy-warmup-url-fetch-callback Disables the warmup URL fetcher to callback into DRP to report the result of the warmup fetch.
–disable-databases Disables HTML5 DB support.
–disable-default-apps Disables installation of default apps on first run. This is used during automated testing.
–disable-demo-mode Disables the Chrome OS demo.
–disable-dev-shm-usage[13] The /dev/shm partition is too small in certain VM environments, causing Chrome to fail or crash (see http://crbug.com/715363). Use this flag to work-around this issue (a temporary directory will always be used to create anonymous shared memory files).
–disable-device-disabling If this switch is set, the device cannot be remotely disabled by its owner.
–disable-device-discovery-notifications Disables device discovery notifications.
–disable-dinosaur-easter-egg Disables the dinosaur easter egg on the offline interstitial.
–disable-direct-composition Disables DirectComposition surface.
–disable-direct-composition-layers Disables using DirectComposition layers.
–disable-domain-blocking-for-3d-apis Disable the per-domain blocking for 3D APIs after GPU reset. This switch is intended only for tests.
–disable-domain-reliability Disables Domain Reliability Monitoring.
–disable-dwm-composition Disables use of DWM composition for top level windows.
–disable-encryption-migration Disable encryption migration for user’s cryptohome to run latest Arc.
–disable-es3-gl-context Disables use of ES3 backend (use ES2 backend instead).
–disable-es3-gl-context-for-testing Disables use of ES3 backend at a lower level, for testing purposes. This isn’t guaranteed to work everywhere, so it’s test-only.
–disable-explicit-dma-fences Disable explicit DMA-fences
–disable-extensions Disable extensions.
–disable-extensions-except Disable extensions except those specified in a comma-separated list.
–disable-extensions-file-access-check Disable checking for user opt-in for extensions that want to inject script into file URLs (ie, always allow it). This is used during automated testing.
–disable-extensions-http-throttling Disable the net::URLRequestThrottlerManager functionality for requests originating from extensions.
–disable-features Comma-separated list of feature names to disable. See also kEnableFeatures.
–disable-field-trial-config Disable field trial tests configured in fieldtrial_testing_config.json.
–disable-file-system Disable FileSystem API.
–disable-fine-grained-time-zone-detection Disables fine grained time zone detection.
–disable-flash-3d Disable 3D inside of flapper.
–disable-flash-stage3d Disable Stage3D inside of flapper.
–disable-font-subpixel-positioning Force disables font subpixel positioning. This affects the character glyph sharpness, kerning, hinting and layout.
–disable-frame-rate-limit Disables begin frame limiting in both cc scheduler and display scheduler. Also implies –disable-gpu-vsync (see //ui/gl/gl_switches.h).
–disable-gaia-services Disables GAIA services such as enrollment and OAuth session restore. Used by ‘fake’ telemetry login.
–disable-gesture-requirement-for-presentation Disable user gesture requirement for presentation.
–disable-gl-drawing-for-tests Disables GL drawing operations which produce pixel output. With this the GL output will not be correct but tests will run faster.
–disable-gl-error-limit Disable the GL error log limit.
–disable-gl-extensions Disables specified comma separated GL Extensions if found.
–disable-glsl-translator Disable the GLSL translator.
–disable-gpu Disables GPU hardware acceleration. If software renderer is not in place, then the GPU process won’t launch.
–disable-gpu-appcontainer Disables AppContainer sandbox on the GPU process.
–disable-gpu-compositing Prevent the compositor from using its GPU implementation.
–disable-gpu-driver-bug-workarounds Disable workarounds for various GPU driver bugs.
–disable-gpu-early-init Disable proactive early init of GPU process.
–disable-gpu-lpac Disables low-privilege AppContainer sandbox on the GPU process.
–disable-gpu-memory-buffer-compositor-resources Do not force that all compositor resources be backed by GPU memory buffers.
–disable-gpu-memory-buffer-video-frames Disable GpuMemoryBuffer backed VideoFrames.
–disable-gpu-process-crash-limit For tests, to disable the limit on the number of times the GPU process may be restarted.
–disable-gpu-process-for-dx12-vulkan-info-collection Disables the non-sandboxed GPU process for DX12 and Vulkan info collection
–disable-gpu-program-cache Turn off gpu program caching
–disable-gpu-rasterization Disable GPU rasterization, i.e. rasterize on the CPU only. Overrides the kEnableGpuRasterization and kForceGpuRasterization flags.
–disable-gpu-sandbox Disables the GPU process sandbox.
–disable-gpu-shader-disk-cache Disables the GPU shader on disk cache.
–disable-gpu-vsync Stop the GPU from synchronizing presentation with vblank.
–disable-gpu-watchdog Disable the thread that crashes the GPU process if it stops responding to messages.
–disable-hang-monitor Suppresses hang monitor dialogs in renderer processes. This may allow slow unload handlers on a page to prevent the tab from closing, but the Task Manager can be used to terminate the offending process in this case.
–disable-headless-mode Disables the shell from beginning in headless mode. Tests will then attempt to use the hardware GPU for rendering. This is only followed when kRunWebTests is set.
–disable-hid-detection-on-oobe Disables HID-detection OOBE screen.
–disable-highres-timer Disable high-resolution timer on Windows.
–disable-histogram-customizer Disable the RenderThread’s HistogramCustomizer.
–disable-hosted-app-shim-creation[7] Disables app shim creation for hosted apps on Mac.
–disable-image-animation-resync Disallow image animations to be reset to the beginning to avoid skipping many frames. Only effective if compositor image animations are enabled.
–disable-in-process-stack-traces Disables the in-process stack traces.
–disable-ios-password-suggestions Disable showing available password credentials in the keyboard accessory view when focused on form fields.
–disable-ipc-flooding-protection Disables the IPC flooding protection. It is activated by default. Some javascript functions can be used to flood the browser process with IPC. This protection limits the rate at which they can be used.
–disable-javascript-harmony-shipping Disable latest shipping ECMAScript 6 features.
–disable-kill-after-bad-ipc Don’t kill a child process when it sends a bad IPC message. Apart from testing, it is a bad idea from a security perspective to enable this switch.
–disable-lcd-text Disables LCD text.
–disable-legacy-window Disable the Legacy Window which corresponds to the size of the WebContents.
–disable-local-storage Disable LocalStorage.
–disable-logging Force logging to be disabled. Logging is enabled by default in debug builds.
–disable-logging-redirect[6] Disables logging redirect for testing.
–disable-login-animations Avoid doing expensive animations upon login.
–disable-login-screen-apps[6] Disables apps on the login screen. By default, they are allowed and can be installed through policy.
–disable-low-end-device-mode Force disabling of low-end device mode when set.
–disable-low-latency-dxva Disables using CODECAPI_AVLowLatencyMode when creating DXVA decoders.
–disable-low-res-tiling When using CPU rasterizing disable low resolution tiling. This uses less power, particularly during animations, but more white may be seen during fast scrolling especially on slower devices.
–disable-mac-overlays[11] Fall back to using CAOpenGLLayers display content, instead of the IOSurface based overlay display path.
–disable-machine-cert-request Disables requests for an enterprise machine certificate during attestation.
–disable-main-frame-before-activation Disables sending the next BeginMainFrame before the previous commit activates. Overrides the kEnableMainFrameBeforeActivation flag.
–disable-media-session-api[8] Disable Media Session API
–disable-media-suspend No description
–disable-modal-animations[11] Disable animations for showing and hiding modal dialogs.
–disable-mojo-renderer Rather than use the renderer hosted remotely in the media service, fall back to the default renderer within content_renderer. Does not change the behavior of the media service.
–disable-multi-display-layout Disables the multiple display layout UI.
–disable-namespace-sandbox Disables usage of the namespace sandbox.
–disable-new-content-rendering-timeout Disables clearing the rendering output of a renderer when it didn’t commit new output for a while after a top-frame navigation.
–disable-notifications Disables the Web Notification and the Push APIs.
–disable-nv12-dxgi-video Disables the video decoder from drawing to an NV12 textures instead of ARGB.
–disable-offer-store-unmasked-wallet-cards Force hiding the local save checkbox in the autofill dialog box for getting the full credit card number for a wallet card. The card will never be stored locally.
–disable-oop-rasterization Disables OOP rasterization. Takes precedence over the enable flag.
–disable-origin-trial-controlled-blink-features Disables all RuntimeEnabledFeatures that can be enabled via OriginTrials.
–disable-overscroll-edge-effect[8] Disable overscroll edge effects like those found in Android views.
–disable-partial-raster Disable partial raster in the renderer. Disabling this switch also disables the use of persistent gpu memory buffers.
–disable-pepper-3d Disable Pepper3D.
–disable-pepper-3d-image-chromium Disable Image Chromium for Pepper 3d.
–disable-per-user-timezone Disables per-user timezone.
–disable-perfetto Disables the perfetto tracing backend. We need a separate command line argument from the kTracingPerfettoBackend feature, because feature flags are parsed too late during startup for early startup tracing support.
–disable-permissions-api Disables the Permissions API.
–disable-pinch Disables compositor-accelerated touch-screen pinch gestures.
–disable-pnacl-crash-throttling Disables crash throttling for Portable Native Client.
–disable-popup-blocking Disable pop-up blocking.
–disable-prefer-compositing-to-lcd-text Disable the creation of compositing layers when it would prevent LCD text.
–disable-presentation-api Disables the Presentation API.
–disable-print-preview Disables print preview (For testing, and for users who don’t like us. :[ )
–disable-prompt-on-repost Normally when the user attempts to navigate to a page that was the result of a post we prompt to make sure they want to. This switch may be used to disable that check. This switch is used during automated testing.
–disable-pull-to-refresh-effect[8] Disable the pull-to-refresh effect when vertically overscrolling content.
–disable-pushstate-throttle Disables throttling of history.pushState/replaceState calls.
–disable-reading-from-canvas Taints all <canvas> elements, regardless of origin.
–disable-remote-core-animation[11] Disable use of cross-process CALayers to display content directly from the GPU process on Mac.
–disable-remote-fonts Disables remote web font support. SVG font should always work whether this option is specified or not.
–disable-remote-playback-api Disables the RemotePlayback API.
–disable-renderer-accessibility Turns off the accessibility in the renderer.
–disable-renderer-backgrounding Prevent renderer process backgrounding when set.
–disable-resource-scheduler Whether the ResourceScheduler is disabled. Note this is only useful for C++ Headless embedders who need to implement their own resource scheduling.
–disable-rgba-4444-textures Disables RGBA_4444 textures.
–disable-rollback-option Disables rollback option on reset screen.
–disable-rtc-smoothness-algorithm Disables the new rendering algorithm for webrtc, which is designed to improve the rendering smoothness.
–disable-screen-orientation-lock[8] Disable the locking feature of the screen orientation API.
–disable-search-geolocation-disclosure Disables showing the search geolocation disclosure UI. Used for perf testing.
–disable-seccomp-filter-sandbox Disable the seccomp filter sandbox (seccomp-bpf) (Linux only).
–disable-setuid-sandbox Disable the setuid sandbox (Linux only).
–disable-shader-name-hashing Turn off user-defined name hashing in shaders.
–disable-shared-workers Disable shared workers.
–disable-signin-frame-client-cert-user-selection Disables user selection of client certificate on the sign-in frame on the Chrome OS sign-in profile. TODO(pmarko): Remove this flag in M-65 when the DeviceLoginScreenAutoSelectCertificateForUrls policy is enabled on the server side (https://crbug.com/723849) and completely disable user selection of certificates on the sign-in frame.
–disable-signin-frame-client-certs Disables client certificate authentication on the sign-in frame on the Chrome OS sign-in profile. TODO(pmarko): Remove this flag in M-66 if no issues are found (https://crbug.com/723849).
–disable-signin-scoped-device-id Disables sending signin scoped device id to LSO with refresh token request.
–disable-site-isolation-for-policy[8] Just like kDisableSiteIsolation, but doesn’t show the “stability and security will suffer” butter bar warning.
–disable-site-isolation-trials Disables site isolation. Note that the opt-in (to site-per-process, isolate-origins, etc.) via enterprise policy and/or cmdline takes precedence over the kDisableSiteIsolation switch (i.e. the opt-in takes effect despite potential presence of kDisableSiteIsolation switch). Note that for historic reasons the name of the switch misleadingly mentions “trials”, but the switch also disables the default site isolation that ships on desktop since M67. The name of the switch is preserved for backcompatibility of chrome://flags.
–disable-skia-runtime-opts Do not use runtime-detected high-end CPU optimizations in Skia. This is useful for forcing a baseline code path for e.g. web tests.
–disable-smooth-scrolling Disable smooth scrolling for testing.
–disable-software-compositing-fallback For tests, to disable falling back to software compositing if the GPU Process has crashed, and reached the GPU Process crash limit.
–disable-software-rasterizer Disables the use of a 3D software rasterizer.
–disable-speech-api Disables the Web Speech API (both speech recognition and synthesis).
–disable-speech-synthesis-api Disables the speech synthesis part of Web Speech API.
–disable-sync Disables syncing browser data to a Google Account.
–disable-sync-types Disables syncing one or more sync data types that are on by default. See sync/base/model_type.h for possible types. Types should be comma separated, and follow the naming convention for string representation of model types, e.g.: –disable-synctypes=’Typed URLs, Bookmarks, Autofill Profiles’
–disable-test-root-certs Disables adding the test certs in the network process.
–disable-third-party-keyboard-workaround Disables the 3rd party keyboard omnibox workaround.
–disable-threaded-animation No description
–disable-threaded-compositing Disable multithreaded GPU compositing of web content.
–disable-threaded-scrolling Disable multithreaded, compositor scrolling of web content.
–disable-timeouts-for-profiling[8] Disable timeouts that may cause the browser to die when running slowly. This is useful if running with profiling (such as debug malloc).
–disable-touch-adjustment Disables touch adjustment.
–disable-touch-drag-drop Disables touch event based drag and drop.
–disable-usb-keyboard-detect Disables the USB keyboard detection for blocking the OSK on Win8+.
–disable-v8-idle-tasks Disable V8 idle tasks.
–disable-volume-adjust-sound Disables volume adjust sound.
–disable-vsync-for-tests No description
–disable-vulkan-fallback-to-gl-for-testing Disables falling back to GL based hardware rendering if initializing Vulkan fails. This is to allow tests to catch regressions in Vulkan.
–disable-vulkan-surface Disables VK_KHR_surface extension. Instead of using swapchain, bitblt will be used for present render result on screen.
–disable-wake-on-wifi Disables wake on wifi features.
–disable-web-security Don’t enforce the same-origin policy. (Used by people testing their sites.)
–disable-webgl Disable all versions of WebGL.
–disable-webgl-image-chromium Disables WebGL rendering into a scanout buffer for overlay support.
–disable-webgl2 Disable WebGL2.
–disable-webrtc-encryption Disables encryption of RTP Media for WebRTC. When Chrome embeds Content, it ignores this switch on its stable and beta channels.
–disable-webrtc-hw-decoding Disables HW decode acceleration for WebRTC.
–disable-webrtc-hw-encoding Disables HW encode acceleration for WebRTC.
–disable-win32k-lockdown Disables the Win32K process mitigation policy for child processes.
–disable-windows10-custom-titlebar Disables custom-drawing the window titlebar on Windows 10.
–disable-xr-device-consent-prompt-for-testing Disables prompting the user for consent before fulfilling WebXR’s requestSession(). Use only when absolutely necessary, such as for perf tests.
–disable-yuv-image-decoding Disable YUV image decoding for those formats and cases where it’s supported. Has no effect unless GPU rasterization is enabled.
–disable-zero-browsers-open-for-tests Some tests seem to require the application to close when the last browser window is closed. Thus, we need a switch to force this behavior for ChromeOS Aura, disable “zero window mode”. TODO(pkotwicz): Investigate if this bug can be removed. (http://crbug.com/119175)
–disable-zero-copy Disable rasterizer that writes directly to GPU memory associated with tiles.
–disable-zero-copy-dxgi-video Disable the video decoder from drawing directly to a texture.
–disabled No description
–disallow-non-exact-resource-reuse Disable re-use of non-exact resources to fulfill ResourcePool requests. Intended only for use in layout or pixel tests to reduce noise.
–disk-cache-dir Use a specific disk cache location, rather than one derived from the UserDatadir.
–disk-cache-size Forces the maximum disk space to be used by the disk cache, in bytes.
–display[14] Which X11 display to connect to. Emulates the GTK+ “–display=” command line argument.
–dmg-device[7] When switches::kProcessType is switches::kRelauncherProcess, if this switch is also present, the relauncher process will unmount and eject a mounted disk image and move its disk image file to the trash. The argument’s value must be a BSD device name of the form “diskN” or “diskNsM”.
–dns-log-details No description
–document-user-activation-required Autoplay policy that requires a document user activation.
–dom-automation Specifies if the |DOMAutomationController| needs to be bound in the renderer. This binding happens on per-frame basis and hence can potentially be a performance bottleneck. One should only enable it when automating dom based tests.
–dont-require-litepage-redirect-infobar Do not require the user notification InfoBar to be shown before triggering a Lite Page Redirect preview.
–draw-view-bounds-rects Draws a semitransparent rect to indicate the bounds of each view.
–dump-blink-runtime-call-stats Logs Runtime Call Stats for Blink. –single-process also needs to be used along with this for the stats to be logged.
–dump-browser-histograms Requests that a running browser process dump its collected histograms to a given file. The file is overwritten if it exists.
–dump-dom Instructs headless_shell to print document.body.innerHTML to stdout.
–dump-raw-logs Dump the raw logs to a file with the same base name as the executable. The dumped file is a raw protobuf and has a “pb” extension. WARNING: this switch is used by internal test systems. Be careful when making changes.
–easy-unlock-app-path Overrides the path of Easy Unlock component app.
–edge-touch-filtering[12] Tells Chrome to do edge touch filtering. Useful for convertible tablet.
–egl No description
–elevate No description
–elevated Identify that the process is already supposed to be elevated, so that we don’t try again.
–embedded-extension-options Enables extension options to be embedded in chrome://extensions rather than a new tab.
–emulate-shader-precision Emulate ESSL lowp and mediump float precisions by mutating the shaders to round intermediate values in ANGLE.
–enable-accelerated-2d-canvas Enable accelerated 2D canvas.
–enable-accessibility-object-model Enable the experimental Accessibility Object Model APIs in development.
–enable-accessibility-tab-switcher[8] Enable the accessibility tab switcher.
–enable-adaptive-selection-handle-orientation[8] Enable inverting of selection handles so that they are not clipped by the viewport boundaries.
–enable-aggressive-domstorage-flushing Enable the aggressive flushing of DOM Storage to minimize data loss.
–enable-angle-features ANGLE features are defined per-backend in third_party/angle/include/platform Enables specified comma separated ANGLE features if found.
–enable-app-list If set, the app list will be enabled as if enabled from CWS.
–enable-appcontainer Ensable appcontainer/lowbox for renderer on Win8+ platforms.
–enable-arc DEPRECATED. Please use –arc-availability=officially-supported. Enables starting the ARC instance upon session start.
–enable-arc-oobe-optin-no-skip Enables “hide Skip button” for ARC setup in the OOBE flow.
–enable-arcvm Enables ARC VM.
–enable-audio-debug-recordings-from-extension If the WebRTC logging private API is active, enables audio debug recordings.
–enable-auto-reload Enable auto-reload of error pages.
–enable-automation Enable indication that browser is controlled by automation.
–enable-background-tracing Enables background and upload trace to trace-upload-url. Trigger rules are pass as an argument.
–enable-begin-frame-control Whether or not begin frames should be issued over DevToolsProtocol (experimental).
–enable-benchmarking TODO(asvitkine): Consider removing or renaming this functionality. Enables the benchmarking extensions.
–enable-ble-advertising-in-apps Enable BLE Advertisiing in apps.
–enable-blink-features Enable one or more Blink runtime-enabled features. Use names from runtime_enabled_features.json5, separated by commas. Applied before kDisableBlinkFeatures, and after other flags that change these features.
–enable-bookmark-undo Enables the multi-level undo system for bookmarks.
–enable-caret-browsing Enable native caret browsing, in which a moveable cursor is placed on a web page, allowing a user to select and navigate through non-editable text using just a keyboard. See https://crbug.com/977390 for links to i2i.
–enable-cast-receiver Enables the Cast Receiver.
–enable-chrome-tracing-computation Enable the tracing service.
–enable-cloud-print-proxy This applies only when the process type is “service”. Enables the Cloud Print Proxy component within the service process.
–enable-cloud-print-xps Fallback to XPS. By default connector uses CDD.
–enable-consumer-kiosk Enables consumer kiosk mode for Chrome OS.
–enable-crash-reporter Enable crash reporter for headless.
–enable-crash-reporter-for-testing[15] Used for turning on Breakpad crash reporting in a debug environment where crash reporting is typically compiled but disabled.
–enable-crx-hash-check Enable package hash check: the .crx file sha256 hash sum should be equal to the one received from update manifest.
–enable-data-reduction-proxy-bypass-warning Enable the data reduction proxy bypass warning.
–enable-data-reduction-proxy-force-pingback Enables sending a pageload metrics pingback after every page load.
–enable-data-reduction-proxy-savings-promo Enables a 1 MB savings promo for the data reduction proxy.
–enable-defer-all-script-without-optimization-hints Allows defer script preview on all https pages even if optimization hints are missing for that webpage.
–enable-device-discovery-notifications Enable device discovery notifications.
–enable-devtools-experiments If true devtools experimental settings are enabled.
–enable-direct-composition-layers Enables using DirectComposition layers, even if hardware overlays aren’t supported.
–enable-distillability-service No description
–enable-dom-distiller No description
–enable-domain-reliability Enables Domain Reliability Monitoring.
–enable-encryption-migration Enables encryption migration for user’s cryptohome to run latest Arc.
–enable-encryption-selection[9] Enables the feature of allowing the user to disable the backend via a setting.
–enable-exclusive-audio Use exclusive mode audio streaming for Windows Vista and higher. Leads to lower latencies for audio streams which uses the AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY audio path. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd370844.aspx for details.
–enable-experimental-accessibility-autoclick Shows additional automatic click features that haven’t launched yet.
–enable-experimental-accessibility-chromevox-language-switching Enables language switching feature that hasn’t launched yet.
–enable-experimental-accessibility-features Shows additional checkboxes in Settings to enable Chrome OS accessibility features that haven’t launched yet.
–enable-experimental-accessibility-labels-debugging Enables support for visually debugging the accessibility labels feature, which provides images descriptions for screen reader users.
–enable-experimental-accessibility-language-detection Enables language detection on in-page text content which is then exposed to accessibility technology such as screen readers.
–enable-experimental-accessibility-switch-access Shows setting to enable Switch Access before it has launched.
–enable-experimental-accessibility-switch-access-text Enables in progress Switch Access features for text input.
–enable-experimental-extension-apis Enables extension APIs that are in development.
–enable-experimental-ui-automation Toggles between IAccessible and UI Automation platform API.
–enable-experimental-web-platform-features Enables Web Platform features that are in development.
–enable-extension-activity-log-testing No description
–enable-extension-activity-logging Enables logging for extension activity.
–enable-extension-assets-sharing Enables sharing assets for installed default apps.
–enable-features Comma-separated list of feature names to enable. See also kDisableFeatures.
–enable-first-run-ui-transitions Enables animated transitions during first-run tutorial. TODO(https://crbug.com/945966): Remove this.
–enable-font-antialiasing Enable font antialiasing for pixel tests.
–enable-fullscreen-toolbar-reveal[7] Enables the fullscreen toolbar to reveal itself for tab strip changes.
–enable-gamepad-button-axis-events Enables gamepadbuttondown, gamepadbuttonup, gamepadbuttonchange, gamepadaxismove non-standard gamepad events.
–enable-gpu-appcontainer Enables AppContainer sandbox on the GPU process.
–enable-gpu-benchmarking Enables the GPU benchmarking extension
–enable-gpu-client-logging Enable GPU client logging.
–enable-gpu-client-tracing Enables TRACE for GL calls in the renderer.
–enable-gpu-command-logging Turn on Logging GPU commands.
–enable-gpu-debugging Turn on Calling GL Error after every command.
–enable-gpu-driver-debug-logging Enable logging of GPU driver debug messages.
–enable-gpu-memory-buffer-compositor-resources Specify that all compositor resources should be backed by GPU memory buffers.
–enable-gpu-memory-buffer-video-frames Enable GpuMemoryBuffer backed VideoFrames.
–enable-gpu-rasterization Allow heuristics to determine when a layer tile should be drawn with the Skia GPU backend. Only valid with GPU accelerated compositing + impl-side painting.
–enable-gpu-service-logging Turns on GPU logging (debug build only).
–enable-gpu-service-tracing Turns on calling TRACE for every GL call.
–enable-hardware-overlays Enable compositing individual elements via hardware overlays when permitted by device. Setting the flag to “single-fullscreen” will try to promote a single fullscreen overlay and use it as main framebuffer where possible.
–enable-hosted-app-quit-notification[7] Shows a notification when quitting Chrome with hosted apps running. Default behavior is to also quit all hosted apps.
–enable-hung-renderer-infobar[8] Enables a hung renderer InfoBar allowing the user to close or wait on unresponsive web content.
–enable-input Enables input event handling by the window manager.
–enable-ios-handoff-to-other-devices Enables support for Handoff from Chrome on iOS to the default browser of other Apple devices.
–enable-lcd-text Enables LCD text.
–enable-leak-detection Enables the leak detection of loading webpages. This allows us to check whether or not reloading a webpage releases web-related objects correctly.
–enable-local-file-accesses Enable file accesses. It should not be enabled for most Cast devices.
–enable-local-sync-backend Enabled the local sync backend implemented by the LoopbackServer.
–enable-logging Controls whether console logging is enabled and optionally configures where it’s routed.
–enable-longpress-drag-selection[8] Enable drag manipulation of longpress-triggered text selections.
–enable-low-end-device-mode Force low-end device mode when set.
–enable-low-res-tiling When using CPU rasterizing generate low resolution tiling. Low res tiles may be displayed during fast scrolls especially on slower devices.
–enable-machine-level-user-cloud-policy[16] Enables Machine level user cloud policy on Chromium build. This policy is always enabled on the branded builds.
–enable-main-frame-before-activation Enables sending the next BeginMainFrame before the previous commit activates.
–enable-market-opt-in Enables the marketing opt-in screen in OOBE.
–enable-media-suspend Suspend media pipeline on background tabs.
–enable-nacl Runs the Native Client inside the renderer process and enables GPU plugin (internally adds lEnableGpuPlugin to the command line).
–enable-nacl-debug Enables debugging via RSP over a socket.
–enable-nacl-nonsfi-mode Enables Non-SFI mode, in which programs can be run without NaCl’s SFI sandbox.
–enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers Enable native CPU-mappable GPU memory buffer support on Linux.
–enable-natural-scroll-default Enables natural scroll by default.
–enable-navigation-tracing Enables tracing for each navigation. It will attempt to trace each navigation for 10s, until the buffer is full, or until the next navigation. It only works if a URL was provided by –trace-upload-url.
–enable-net-benchmarking Enables the network-related benchmarking extensions.
–enable-network-information-downlink-max Enables the type, downlinkMax attributes of the NetInfo API. Also, enables triggering of change attribute of the NetInfo API when there is a change in the connection type.
–enable-new-app-menu-icon[17] No description
–enable-ntp-search-engine-country-detection Enables using the default search engine country to show country specific popular sites on the NTP.
–enable-offer-store-unmasked-wallet-cards Force showing the local save checkbox in the autofill dialog box for getting the full credit card number for a wallet card.
–enable-oop-rasterization Turns on out of process raster for the renderer whenever gpu raster would have been used. Enables the chromium_raster_transport extension.
–enable-oop-rasterization-ddl Turns on skia deferred display list for out of process raster.
–enable-override-bookmarks-ui Enables extensions to hide bookmarks UI elements.
–enable-partial-raster Enable partial raster in the renderer.
–enable-pepper-testing Enables the testing interface for PPAPI.
–enable-perfetto Enables the perfetto tracing backend. We need a separate command line argument from the kTracingPerfettoBackend feature, because feature flags are parsed too late during startup for early startup tracing support.
–enable-pixel-output-in-tests Forces tests to produce pixel output when they normally wouldn’t.
–enable-plugin-placeholder-testing Enables testing features of the Plugin Placeholder. For internal use only.
–enable-potentially-annoying-security-features Enables a number of potentially annoying security features (strict mixed content mode, powerful feature restrictions, etc.)
–enable-precise-memory-info Make the values returned to window.performance.memory more granular and more up to date in shared worker. Without this flag, the memory information is still available, but it is bucketized and updated less frequently. This flag also applys to workers.
–enable-prefer-compositing-to-lcd-text Enable the creation of compositing layers when it would prevent LCD text.
–enable-print-browser Enables PrintBrowser mode, in which everything renders as though printed.
–enable-profile-shortcut-manager Force-enables the profile shortcut manager. This is needed for tests since they use a custom-user-data-dir which disables this.
–enable-reached-code-profiler[8] Enables the reached code profiler that samples all threads in all processes to determine which functions are almost never executed.
–enable-reporting[13] Enables metrics and crash reporting.
–enable-request-tablet-site Enables request of tablet site (via user agent override).
–enable-rgba-4444-textures Enables RGBA_4444 textures.
–enable-sandbox-logging[7] Cause the OS X sandbox write to syslog every time an access to a resource is denied by the sandbox.
–enable-service-binary-launcher If true the ServiceProcessLauncher is used to launch services. This allows for service binaries to be loaded rather than using the utility process. This is only useful for tests.
–enable-service-manager-tracing Enable the tracing service.
–enable-sgi-video-sync Enable use of the SGI_video_sync extension, which can have driver/sandbox/window manager compatibility issues.
–enable-skia-benchmarking Enables the Skia benchmarking extension
–enable-smooth-scrolling On platforms that support it, enables smooth scroll animation.
–enable-spatial-navigation Enable spatial navigation
–enable-spdy-proxy-auth Enable the data reduction proxy.
–enable-speech-dispatcher[13] Allows sending text-to-speech requests to speech-dispatcher, a common Linux speech service. Because it’s buggy, the user must explicitly enable it so that visiting a random webpage can’t cause instability.
–enable-spotlight-actions Enables the Spotlight actions.
–enable-stats-collection-bindings Specifies if the |StatsCollectionController| needs to be bound in the renderer. This binding happens on per-frame basis and hence can potentially be a performance bottleneck. One should only enable it when running a test that needs to access the provided statistics.
–enable-strict-mixed-content-checking Blocks all insecure requests from secure contexts, and prevents the user from overriding that decision.
–enable-strict-powerful-feature-restrictions Blocks insecure usage of a number of powerful features (device orientation, for example) that we haven’t yet deprecated for the web at large.
–enable-subresource-redirect Feature flag to enable HTTPS subresource internal redirects to compressed versions.
–enable-swap-buffers-with-bounds Enables SwapBuffersWithBounds if it is supported.
–enable-third-party-keyboard-workaround Enables the 3rd party keyboard omnibox workaround.
–enable-thread-instruction-count[18] Controls whether or not retired instruction counts are surfaced for threads in trace events on Linux. This flag requires the BPF sandbox to be disabled.
–enable-threaded-compositing Enabled threaded compositing for web tests.
–enable-threaded-texture-mailboxes Simulates shared textures when share groups are not available. Not available everywhere.
–enable-top-drag-gesture Whether to enable detection and dispatch of a ‘drag from the top’ gesture.
–enable-touch-calibration-setting Enables the touch calibration option in MD settings UI for valid touch displays.
–enable-touch-drag-drop Enables touch event based drag and drop.
–enable-touchpad-three-finger-click Enables touchpad three-finger-click as middle button.
–enable-touchview If the flag is present, it indicates 1) the device has accelerometer and 2) the device is a convertible device or a tablet device (thus is capable of entering tablet mode). If this flag is not set, then the device is not capable of entering tablet mode. For example, Samus has accelerometer, but is not a covertible or tablet, thus doesn’t have this flag set, thus can’t enter tablet mode.
–enable-trace-app-source Pass launch source to platform apps.
–enable-tracing Enable tracing during the execution of browser tests.
–enable-tracing-output The filename to write the output of the test tracing to.
–enable-ui-devtools Enables DevTools server for UI (mus, ash, etc). Value should be the port the server is started on. Default port is 9223.
–enable-unsafe-webgpu No description
–enable-use-zoom-for-dsf Enable the mode that uses zooming to implment device scale factor behavior.
–enable-user-metrics[7] Enable user metrics from within the installer.
–enable-usermedia-screen-capturing Enable screen capturing support for MediaStream API.
–enable-viewport Enables the use of the @viewport CSS rule, which allows pages to control aspects of their own layout. This also turns on touch-screen pinch gestures.
–enable-virtual-keyboard No description
–enable-viz-devtools Enables inspecting Viz Display Compositor objects. Default port is 9229. For local inspection use chrome://inspect#other
–enable-viz-hit-test-debug Enables hit-test debug logging.
–enable-vtune-support Enable the Vtune profiler support.
–enable-wayland-ime Try to enable wayland input method editor.
–enable-wayland-server Enable the wayland server.
–enable-web-authentication-testing-api Enable the Web Authentication Testing API. https://w3c.github.io/webauthn
–enable-web-bluetooth-scanning Enable Web Bluetooth Scanning This switch enables Web Bluetooth Scanning without any permission prompt for testing.
–enable-webgl-draft-extensions Enables WebGL extensions not yet approved by the community.
–enable-webgl-image-chromium Enables WebGL rendering into a scanout buffer for overlay support.
–enable-webgl-swap-chain Enables WebGL overlays for Windows.
–enable-webgl2-compute-context Enable WebGL2 Compute context.
–enable-webrtc-srtp-aes-gcm Enables negotiation of GCM cipher suites from RFC 7714 for SRTP in WebRTC. See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7714 for further information.
–enable-webrtc-srtp-encrypted-headers Enables negotiation of encrypted header extensions from RFC 6904 for SRTP in WebRTC. See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6904 for further information. TODO(https://crbug.com/954201): Remove this.
–enable-webrtc-stun-origin Enables Origin header in Stun messages for WebRTC.
–enable-webvr Enables interaction with virtual reality devices.
–enable-win7-webrtc-hw-h264-decoding Enables H264 HW decode acceleration for WebRtc on Win 7.
–enable-zero-copy Enable rasterizer that writes directly to GPU memory associated with tiles.
–enabled No description
–encode-binary Encode binary web test results (images, audio) using base64.
–enforce No description
–enforce-gl-minimums Enforce GL minimums.
–enforce-vulkan-protected-memory Forces to use protected memory for vulkan compositing.
–enforce-webrtc-ip-permission-check Enforce IP Permission check. TODO(guoweis): Remove this once the feature is not under finch and becomes the default.
–enforce_strict No description
–ensure-forced-color-profile Crash the browser at startup if the display’s color profile does not match the forced color profile. This is necessary on Mac because Chrome’s pixel output is always subject to the color conversion performed by the operating system. On all other platforms, this is a no-op.
–enterprise-disable-arc Disables ARC for managed accounts.
–enterprise-disable-license-type-selection Disable license type selection by user during enrollment.
–enterprise-enable-forced-re-enrollment Whether to enable forced enterprise re-enrollment.
–enterprise-enable-initial-enrollment Whether to enable initial enterprise enrollment.
–enterprise-enable-zero-touch-enrollment Enables the zero-touch enterprise enrollment flow.
–enterprise-enrollment-initial-modulus Power of the power-of-2 initial modulus that will be used by the auto-enrollment client. E.g. “4” means the modulus will be 2^4 = 16.
–enterprise-enrollment-modulus-limit Power of the power-of-2 maximum modulus that will be used by the auto-enrollment client.
–error-console Allows the ErrorConsole to collect runtime and manifest errors, and display them in the chrome:extensions page.
–evaluate-type No description
–evaluate_capability No description
–explicitly-allowed-ports Allows overriding the list of restricted ports by passing a comma-separated list of port numbers.
–expose-internals-for-testing Exposes the window.internals object to JavaScript for interactive development and debugging of web tests that rely on it.
–extension-content-verification Name of the command line flag to force content verification to be on in one of various modes.
–extension-process Marks a renderer as extension process.
–extension-updater-test-request No description
–extensions-install-verification Turns on extension install verification if it would not otherwise have been turned on.
–extensions-not-webstore Specifies a comma-separated list of extension ids that should be forced to be treated as not from the webstore when doing install verification.
–extensions-on-chrome-urls Enables extensions running scripts on chrome:// URLs. Extensions still need to explicitly request access to chrome:// URLs in the manifest.
–external-metrics-collection-interval Interval in seconds between Chrome reading external metrics from /var/lib/metrics/uma-events.
–extra-search-query-params Additional query params to insert in the search and instant URLs. Useful for testing.
–fail-audio-stream-creation Causes the AudioManager to fail creating audio streams. Used when testing various failure cases.
–fake-drivefs-launcher-chroot-path An absolute path to the chroot hosting the DriveFS to use. This is only used when running on Linux, i.e. when IsRunningOnChromeOS() returns false.
–fake-drivefs-launcher-socket-path A relative path to socket to communicat with the fake DriveFS launcher within the chroot specified by kFakeDriveFsLauncherChrootPath. This is only used when running on Linux, i.e. when IsRunningOnChromeOS() returns false.
–fake-oobe-configuration-file Path to a OOBE configuration JSON file (used by FakeOobeConfigurationClient).
–fake-variations-channel Fakes the channel of the browser for purposes of Variations filtering. This is to be used for testing only. Possible values are “stable”, “beta”, “dev” and “canary”. This works for official builds as well.
–false Value indicating whether flag from command line switch is false.
–fast-start If this flag is present then this command line is being delegated to an already running chrome process via the fast path, ie: before chrome.dll is loaded. It is useful to tell the difference for tracking purposes.
–feedback-server Alternative feedback server to use when submitting user feedback
–field-trial-handle Handle to the shared memory segment containing field trial state that is to be shared between processes. The argument to this switch is the handle id (pointer on Windows) as a string, followed by a comma, then the size of the shared memory segment as a string.
–file-url-path-alias Define an alias root directory which is replaced with the replacement string in file URLs. The format is “/alias=/replacement”, which would turn file:///alias/some/path.html into file:///replacement/some/path.html.
–file_chooser No description
–first-exec-after-boot Passed to Chrome the first time that it’s run after the system boots. Not passed on restart after sign out.
–flag-switches-begin These two flags are added around the switches about:flags adds to the command line. This is useful to see which switches were added by about:flags on about:version. They don’t have any effect.
–flag-switches-end No description
–font-cache-shared-handle DirectWrite FontCache is shared by browser to renderers using shared memory. This switch allows us to pass the shared memory handle to the renderer.
–font-render-hinting Sets font render hinting when running headless, affects Skia rendering and whether glyph subpixel positioning is enabled. Possible values: none|slight|medium|full|max. Default: full.
–force-android-app-mode Forces Android application mode. This hides certain system UI elements and forces the app to be installed if it hasn’t been already.
–force-app-mode Forces application mode. This hides certain system UI elements and forces the app to be installed if it hasn’t been already.
–force-caption-style Forces the caption style for WebVTT captions.
–force-cert-verifier-builtin Forces Chrome to use CertVerifyProcBuiltin for verification of server certificates, ignoring the status of net::features::kCertVerifierBuiltinFeature.
–force-color-profile Force all monitors to be treated as though they have the specified color profile. Accepted values are “srgb” and “generic-rgb” (currently used by Mac layout tests) and “color-spin-gamma24” (used by layout tests).
–force-dark-mode Forces dark mode in UI for platforms that support it.
–force-dev-mode-highlighting Whether to force developer mode extensions highlighting.
–force-device-scale-factor Overrides the device scale factor for the browser UI and the contents.
–force-devtools-available Forces developer tools availability, no matter what values the enterprise policies DeveloperToolsDisabled and DeveloperToolsAvailability are set to.
–force-effective-connection-type Forces Network Quality Estimator (NQE) to return a specific effective connection type.
–force-empty-corb-allowlist Whether |extensions_features::kBypassCorbAllowlistParamName| should always be empty (i.e. ignoring hardcoded allowlist and the field trial param). This switch is useful for manually verifying if an extension would continue to work fine after removing it from the allowlist.
–force-enable-lite-pages Force enable all available previews on every page load.
–force-enable-metrics-reporting Forces metrics reporting to be enabled.
–force-enable-night-mode[8] Forces the night mode to be enabled.
–force-enable-stylus-tools Enables the stylus tools next to the status area.
–force-fieldtrial-params This option can be used to force parameters of field trials when testing changes locally. The argument is a param list of (key, value) pairs prefixed by an associated (trial, group) pair. You specify the param list for multiple (trial, group) pairs with a comma separator. Example: “Trial1.Group1:k1/v1/k2/v2,Trial2.Group2:k3/v3/k4/v4” Trial names, groups names, parameter names, and value should all be URL escaped for all non-alphanumeric characters.
–force-fieldtrials This option can be used to force field trials when testing changes locally. The argument is a list of name and value pairs, separated by slashes. If a trial name is prefixed with an asterisk, that trial will start activated. For example, the following argument defines two trials, with the second one activated: “GoogleNow/Enable/*MaterialDesignNTP/Default/” This option can also be used by the browser process to send the list of trials to a non-browser process, using the same format. See FieldTrialList::CreateTrialsFromString() in field_trial.h for details.
–force-first-run Displays the First Run experience when the browser is started, regardless of whether or not it’s actually the First Run (this overrides kNoFirstRun).
–force-first-run-ui Forces first-run UI to be shown for every login.
–force-gpu-mem-available-mb Sets the total amount of memory that may be allocated for GPU resources
–force-gpu-rasterization Always use the Skia GPU backend for drawing layer tiles. Only valid with GPU accelerated compositing + impl-side painting. Overrides the kEnableGpuRasterization flag.
–force-happiness-tracking-system Force enables the Happiness Tracking System for the device. This ignores user profile check and time limits and shows the notification every time for any type of user. Should be used only for testing.
–force-high-contrast Forces high-contrast mode in native UI drawing, regardless of system settings. Note that this has limited effect on Windows: only Aura colors will be switched to high contrast, not other system colors.
–force-load-easy-unlock-app-in-tests Force easy unlock app loading in test. TODO(xiyuan): Remove this when app could be bundled with Chrome.
–force-login-manager-in-tests Usually in browser tests the usual login manager bringup is skipped so that tests can change how it’s brought up. This flag disables that.
–force-logs-upload-failure Force a logs upload failure to help test the logs upload retry.
–force-media-resolution-height When present overrides the screen resolution used by CanDisplayType API, instead of using the values obtained from avsettings.
–force-media-resolution-width No description
–force-overlay-fullscreen-video Forces use of hardware overlay for fullscreen video playback. Useful for testing the Android overlay fullscreen functionality on other platforms.
–force-pnacl-subzero Force use of the Subzero as the PNaCl translator instead of LLC.
–force-prefers-reduced-motion Forces whether the user desires reduced motion, regardless of system settings.
–force-presentation-receiver-for-testing This forces pages to be loaded as presentation receivers. Useful for testing behavior specific to presentation receivers. Spec: https://www.w3.org/TR/presentation-api/#interface-presentationreceiver
–force-raster-color-profile Force rastering to take place in the specified color profile. Accepted values are the same as for the kForceDisplayColorProfile case above.
–force-recovery-component Force the recovery component, when running an unofficial build. This only applies to the cleaner, not the reporter.
–force-renderer-accessibility Force renderer accessibility to be on instead of enabling it on demand when a screen reader is detected. The disable-renderer-accessibility switch overrides this if present.
–force-self-delete Force self-deletion even on non-official builds.
–force-show-update-menu-badge[8] Forces the update menu badge to show.
–force-stacked-tab-strip-layout Forces Chrome to use a stacked tab strip layout.
–force-system-compositor-mode Force system compositor mode when set.
–force-tablet-mode Enables required things for the selected UI mode, regardless of whether the Chromebook is currently in the selected UI mode.
–force-tablet-power-button If set, tablet-like power button behavior (i.e. tapping the button turns the screen off) is used even if the device is in laptop mode.
–force-text-direction Force the text rendering to a specific direction. Valid values are “ltr” (left-to-right) and “rtl” (right-to-left). Only tested meaningfully with RTL.
–force-ui-direction Force the UI to a specific direction. Valid values are “ltr” (left-to-right) and “rtl” (right-to-left).
–force-update-menu-type[8] Forces the update menu type to a specific type.
–force-use-chrome-camera Forces to use chrome camera app when camera icon is clicked.
–force-variation-ids Forces additional Chrome Variation Ids that will be sent in X-Client-Data header, specified as a 64-bit encoded list of numeric experiment ids. Ids prefixed with the character “t” will be treated as Trigger Variation Ids.
–force-video-overlays Force media player using SurfaceView instead of SurfaceTexture on Android.
–force-wave-audio Use Windows WaveOut/In audio API even if Core Audio is supported.
–force-webrtc-ip-handling-policy Override WebRTC IP handling policy to mimic the behavior when WebRTC IP handling policy is specified in Preferences.
–full-memory-crash-report Generates full memory crash dump.
–gaia-url No description
–gamepad-polling-interval Overrides the gamepad polling interval. Decreasing the interval improves input latency of buttons and axes but may negatively affect performance due to more CPU time spent in the input polling thread.
–gcm-checkin-url Sets the checkin service endpoint that will be used for performing Google Cloud Messaging checkins.
–gcm-mcs-endpoint Sets the Mobile Connection Server endpoint that will be used for Google Cloud Messaging.
–gcm-registration-url Sets the registration endpoint that will be used for creating new Google Cloud Messaging registrations.
–generate-accessibility-test-expectations For development / testing only. When running content_browsertests, saves output of failing accessibility tests to their expectations files in content/test/data/accessibility/, overwriting existing file content.
–gl No description
–gl-null No description
–gl-shader-interm-output Include ANGLE’s intermediate representation (AST) output in shader compilation info logs.
–gles No description
–gles-null No description
–google-apis-url No description
–google-base-url Specifies an alternate URL to use for speaking to Google. Useful for testing.
–google-doodle-url Overrides the URL used to fetch the current Google Doodle. Example: https://www.google.com/async/ddljson Testing? Try: https://www.gstatic.com/chrome/ntp/doodle_test/ddljson_android0.json https://www.gstatic.com/chrome/ntp/doodle_test/ddljson_android1.json https://www.gstatic.com/chrome/ntp/doodle_test/ddljson_android2.json https://www.gstatic.com/chrome/ntp/doodle_test/ddljson_android3.json https://www.gstatic.com/chrome/ntp/doodle_test/ddljson_android4.json
–google-url No description
–gpu No description
–gpu-blacklist-test-group Select a different set of GPU blacklist entries with the specificed test_group ID.
–gpu-driver-bug-list-test-group Enable an extra set of GPU driver bug list entries with the specified test_group ID. Note the default test group (group 0) is still active.
–gpu-launcher Extra command line options for launching the GPU process (normally used for debugging). Use like renderer-cmd-prefix.
–gpu-no-context-lost Inform Chrome that a GPU context will not be lost in power saving mode, screen saving mode, etc. Note that this flag does not ensure that a GPU context will never be lost in any situations, say, a GPU reset.
–gpu-preferences Passes encoded GpuPreferences to GPU process.
–gpu-process Flags spied upon from other layers.
–gpu-program-cache-size-kb Sets the maximum size of the in-memory gpu program cache, in kb
–gpu-rasterization-msaa-sample-count The number of multisample antialiasing samples for GPU rasterization. Requires MSAA support on GPU to have an effect. 0 disables MSAA.
–gpu-sandbox-allow-sysv-shm Allows shmat() system call in the GPU sandbox.
–gpu-sandbox-failures-fatal Makes GPU sandbox failures fatal.
–gpu-sandbox-start-early Starts the GPU sandbox before creating a GL context.
–gpu-startup-dialog Causes the GPU process to display a dialog on launch.
–gpu2-startup-dialog Causes the second GPU process used for gpu info collection to display a dialog on launch.
–graphics-buffer-count No description
–guest[17] Causes the browser to launch directly in guest mode.
–guest-wallpaper-large Large wallpaper to use in guest mode (as path to trusted, non-user-writable JPEG file).
–guest-wallpaper-small Small wallpaper to use in guest mode (as path to trusted, non-user-writable JPEG file).
–h[9] No description
–has-chromeos-keyboard If set, the system is a Chromebook with a “standard Chrome OS keyboard”, which generally means one with a Search key in the standard Caps Lock location above the Left Shift key. It should be unset for Chromebooks with both Search and Caps Lock keys (e.g. stout) and for devices like Chromeboxes that only use external keyboards.
–has-internal-stylus Whether this device has an internal stylus.
–headless Run in headless mode, i.e., without a UI or display server dependencies.
–help No description
–hide “Hide” value for kCrosRegionsMode (VPD values are hidden).
–hide-android-files-in-files-app If true, files in Android internal storage will be hidden in Files app.
–hide-icons Makes Windows happy by allowing it to show “Enable access to this program” checkbox in Add/Remove Programs->Set Program Access and Defaults. This only shows an error box because the only way to hide Chrome is by uninstalling it.
–hide-scrollbars Hide scrollbars from screenshots.
–homedir Defines user homedir. This defaults to primary user homedir.
–homepage Specifies which page will be displayed in newly-opened tabs. We need this for testing purposes so that the UI tests don’t depend on what comes up for http://google.com.
–host No description
–host-resolver-rules These mappings only apply to the host resolver.
–ignore-autocomplete-off-autofill Ignores autocomplete=”off” for Autofill data (profiles + credit cards).
–ignore-certificate-errors-spki-list A set of public key hashes for which to ignore certificate-related errors. If the certificate chain presented by the server does not validate, and one or more certificates have public key hashes that match a key from this list, the error is ignored. The switch value must a be a comma-separated list of Base64-encoded SHA-256 SPKI Fingerprints (RFC 7469, Section 2.4). This switch has no effect unless –user-data-dir (as defined by the content embedder) is also present.
–ignore-gpu-blacklist Ignores GPU blacklist.
–ignore-litepage-redirect-optimization-blacklist Ignore the optimization hints blacklist for Lite Page Redirect previews.
–ignore-previews-blacklist Ignore decisions made by PreviewsBlackList.
–ignore-urlfetcher-cert-requests Causes net::URLFetchers to ignore requests for SSL client certificates, causing them to attempt an unauthenticated SSL/TLS session. This is intended for use when testing various service URLs (eg: kPromoServerURL, kSbURLPrefix, kSyncServiceURL, etc).
–ignore-user-profile-mapping-for-tests If true, profile selection in UserManager will always return active user’s profile. TODO(nkostlyev): http://crbug.com/364604 – Get rid of this switch after we turn on multi-profile feature on ChromeOS.
–ime[6] No description
–in-process-gpu Run the GPU process as a thread in the browser process.
–incognito Causes the browser to launch directly in incognito mode.
–init-done-notifier The handle of an event to signal when the initialization of the main process is complete (including loading all DLL’s). This is used by the integration test to check that forbidden modules aren’t loaded outside the sandbox. If this is set, the main process will signal the event and then wait for the integration test to signal it as well before continuing. Ignored in official builds.
–initial-virtual-time Start the renderer with an initial virtual time override specified in seconds since the epoch.
–input No description
–install-autogenerated-theme Installs an autogenerated theme based on the given RGB value. The format is “r,g,b”, where r, g, b are a numeric values from 0 to 255.
–install-chrome-app Causes Chrome to initiate an installation flow for the given app.
–install-supervised-user-whitelists A list of whitelists to install for a supervised user, for testing. The list is of the following form: <id>[:<name>],[<id>[:<name>],…]
–instant-process Marks a renderer as an Instant process.
–integration-test-timeout-minutes Set the timeout for integration tests in minutes. 0 disables the timeout entirely.
–invalidation-use-gcm-channel[6] Device invalidation service should use GCM network channel.
–ipc-connection-timeout Overrides the timeout, in seconds, that a child process waits for a connection from the browser before killing itself.
–ipc-dump-directory[19] Dumps IPC messages sent from renderer processes to the browser process to the given directory. Used primarily to gather samples for IPC fuzzing.
–ipc-fuzzer-testcase[19] Specifies the testcase used by the IPC fuzzer.
–isolate-origins Require dedicated processes for a set of origins, specified as a comma-separated list. For example: –isolate-origins=https://www.foo.com,https://www.bar.com
–javascript-harmony Enables experimental Harmony (ECMAScript 6) features.
–js-flags Specifies the flags passed to JS engine
–keep-alive-for-test Used for testing – keeps browser alive after last browser window closes.
–kernelnext-restrict-vms If set, the Chrome settings will not expose the option to enable crostini unless the enable-experimental-kernel-vm-support flag is set in chrome://flags
–kiosk Enable kiosk mode. Please note this is not Chrome OS kiosk mode.
–kiosk-printing Enable automatically pressing the print button in print preview.
–lang The language file that we want to try to open. Of the form language[-country] where language is the 2 letter code from ISO-639.
–last-launched-app Pass the app id information to the renderer process, to be used for logging. last-launched-app should be the app that just launched and is spawning the renderer.
–layer No description
–light No description
–litepage-server-previews-host Override the Lite Page Preview Host.
–litepage-server-subresource-host Overrides the Lite Page Subresource host.
–litepage_redirect_overrides_page_hints Sets the trigger ordering of Lite Page Redirect to be higher than page hints.
–load-and-launch-app Loads an app from the specified directory and launches it.
–load-apps Comma-separated list of paths to apps to load at startup. The first app in the list will be launched.
–load-empty-dll Attempt to load empty-dll.dll whenever this flag is set. For testing DLL loading.
–load-extension Comma-separated list of paths to extensions to load at startup.
–load-media-router-component-extension Loads the Media Router component extension on startup.
–local-sync-backend-dir Specifies the local sync backend directory. The name is chosen to mimic user-data-dir etc. This flag only matters if the enable-local-sync-backend flag is present.
–log-best-effort-tasks Logs information about all tasks posted with TaskPriority::BEST_EFFORT. Use this to diagnose issues that are thought to be caused by TaskPriority::BEST_EFFORT execution fences. Note: Tasks posted to a non-BEST_EFFORT UpdateableSequencedTaskRunner whose priority is later lowered to BEST_EFFORT are not logged.
–log-file Overrides the default file name to use for general-purpose logging (does not affect which events are logged).
–log-gpu-control-list-decisions Logs GPU control list decisions when enforcing blacklist rules.
–log-interface-calls-to Specifies a file to log all the interface calls of EngineRequestsImpl and CleanerEngineRequestsImpl.
–log-level Sets the minimum log level. Valid values are from 0 to 3: INFO = 0, WARNING = 1, LOG_ERROR = 2, LOG_FATAL = 3.
–log-net-log Enables saving net log events to a file. If a value is given, it used as the path the the file, otherwise the file is named netlog.json and placed in the user data directory.
–login-manager Enables Chrome-as-a-login-manager behavior.
–login-profile Specifies the profile to use once a chromeos user is logged in. This parameter is ignored if user goes through login screen since user_id hash defines which profile directory to use. In case of browser restart within active session this parameter is used to pass user_id hash for primary user.
–login-user Specifies the user which is already logged in.
–logs-upload-retry-interval Specify the time to wait between logs upload retries, in minutes.
–low-pressure-touch-filtering[12] Tells Chrome to do filter out low pressure touches, as from a pencil. Should only be used if the driver level filtering is insufficient.
–lso-url No description
–ltr No description
–main-frame-resizes-are-orientation-changes Resizes of the main frame are caused by changing between landscape and portrait mode (i.e. Android) so the page should be rescaled to fit.
–make-chrome-default[7] Indicates whether Chrome should be set as the default browser during installation.
–make-default-browser Makes Chrome default browser
–managed-user-id Sets the supervised user ID for any loaded or newly created profile to the given value. Pass an empty string to mark the profile as non-supervised. Used for testing.
–mangle-localized-strings Transform localized strings to be longer, with beginning and end markers to make truncation visually apparent.
–manual No description
–market-url-for-testing[8] Sets the market URL for Chrome for use in testing.
–max-active-webgl-contexts Allows user to override maximum number of active WebGL contexts per renderer process.
–max-decoded-image-size-mb Sets the maximium decoded image size limitation.
–max-file-size Limit the size of files the scanning engine is allowed to open.
–max-gum-fps Override the maximum framerate as can be specified in calls to getUserMedia. This flag expects a value. Example: –max-gum-fps=17.5
–max-output-volume-dba1m Calibrated max output volume dBa for voice content at 1 meter, if known.
–max-untiled-layer-height Sets the width and height above which a composited layer will get tiled.
–max-untiled-layer-width No description
–mem-pressure-system-reserved-kb Some platforms typically have very little ‘free’ memory, but plenty is available in buffers+cached. For such platforms, configure this amount as the portion of buffers+cached memory that should be treated as unavailable. If this switch is not used, a simple pressure heuristic based purely on free memory will be used.
–memlog No description
–memlog-sampling-rate No description
–memlog-stack-mode No description
–memory-pressure-off No description
–message-loop-type-ui Indicates the utility process should run with a message loop type of UI.
–metrics-client-id[7] This is how the metrics client ID is passed from the browser process to its children. With Crashpad, the metrics client ID is distinct from the crash client ID.
–metrics-recording-only Enables the recording of metrics reports but disables reporting. In contrast to kDisableMetrics, this executes all the code that a normal client would use for reporting, except the report is dropped rather than sent to the server. This is useful for finding issues in the metrics code during UI and performance tests.
–metrics-upload-interval Override the standard time interval between each metrics report upload for UMA and UKM. It is useful to set to a short interval for debugging. Unit in seconds. (The default is 1800 seconds on desktop).
–minimal No description
–mirror[2] Values for the kAccountConsistency flag.
–mixed No description
–mixer-service-endpoint Endpoint that the mixer service listens on. On Linux/Android, this is a path for a UNIX domain socket (default is /tmp/mixer-service). On other platforms, this is a TCP port to listen on (on localhost) (default 12854).
–mixer-source-audio-ready-threshold-ms Specify the start threshold frames for audio output when using our mixer. This is mostly used to override the default value to a larger value, for platforms that can’t handle the default start threshold without running into audio underruns.
–mixer-source-input-queue-ms Specify the buffer size for audio output when using our mixer. This is mostly used to override the default value to a larger value, for platforms that can’t handle an audio buffer so small without running into audio underruns.
–mock No description
–mock-cert-verifier-default-result-for-testing Set the default result for MockCertVerifier. This only works in test code.
–mojo-local-storage Use a Mojo-based LocalStorage implementation.
–mojo-pipe-token No description
–monitoring-destination-id Allows setting a different destination ID for connection-monitoring GCM messages. Useful when running against a non-prod management server.
–mse-audio-buffer-size-limit-mb Allows explicitly specifying MSE audio/video buffer sizes as megabytes. Default values are 150M for video and 12M for audio.
–mse-video-buffer-size-limit-mb No description
–mute-audio Mutes audio sent to the audio device so it is not audible during automated testing.
–nacl-broker Value for –type that causes the process to run as a NativeClient broker (used for launching NaCl loader processes on 64-bit Windows).
–nacl-dangerous-no-sandbox-nonsfi Disable sandbox even for non SFI mode. This is particularly unsafe as non SFI NaCl heavily relies on the seccomp sandbox.
–nacl-debug-mask Uses NaCl manifest URL to choose whether NaCl program will be debugged by debug stub. Switch value format: [!]pattern1,pattern2,…,patternN. Each pattern uses the same syntax as patterns in Chrome extension manifest. The only difference is that * scheme matches all schemes instead of matching only http and https. If the value doesn’t start with !, a program will be debugged if manifest URL matches any pattern. If the value starts with !, a program will be debugged if manifest URL does not match any pattern.
–nacl-gdb Native Client GDB debugger that will be launched automatically when needed.
–nacl-gdb-script GDB script to pass to the nacl-gdb debugger at startup.
–nacl-loader No description
–nacl-loader-nonsfi Value for –type that causes the process to run as a NativeClient loader for non SFI mode.
–native No description
–native-messaging-connect-extension Requests a native messaging connection be established between the extension with ID specified by this switch and the native messaging host named by the kNativeMessagingConnectHost switch.
–native-messaging-connect-host Requests a native messaging connection be established between the native messaging host named by this switch and the extension with ID specified by kNativeMessagingConnectExtension.
–native-with-thread-names No description
–need-arc-migration-policy-check If present, the device needs to check the policy to see if the migration to ext4 for ARC is allowed. It should be present only on devices that have been initially issued with ecrypfs encryption and have ARC (N+) available. For the devices in other categories this flag must be missing.
–net-log-capture-mode Sets the granularity of events to capture in the network log. The mode can be set to one of the following values: “Default” “IncludeSensitive” “Everything” See the enums of the corresponding name in net_log_capture_mode.h for a description of their meanings.
–netifs-to-ignore List of network interfaces to ignore. Ignored interfaces will not be used for network connectivity.
–network No description
–network-country-iso[8] The telephony region (ISO country code) to use in phone number detection.
–network-quiet-timeout Sets the timeout seconds of the network-quiet timers in IdlenessDetector. Used by embedders who want to change the timeout time in order to run web contents on various embedded devices and changeable network bandwidths in different regions. For example, it’s useful when using FirstMeaningfulPaint signal to dismiss a splash screen.
–new-net-error-page-ui Enables new UI for net-error page.
–new-window Launches URL in new browser window.
–no-crash-upload Prevent the crash client from uploading crash reports.
–no-default-browser-check Disables the default browser check. Useful for UI/browser tests where we want to avoid having the default browser info-bar displayed.
–no-experiments Disables all experiments set on about:flags. Does not disable about:flags itself. Useful if an experiment makes chrome crash at startup: One can start chrome with –no-experiments, disable the problematic lab at about:flags and then restart chrome without this switch again.
–no-first-run Skip First Run tasks, whether or not it’s actually the First Run. Overridden by kForceFirstRun. This does not drop the First Run sentinel and thus doesn’t prevent first run from occuring the next time chrome is launched without this flag.
–no-managed-user-acknowledgment-check Disables checking whether we received an acknowledgment when registering a supervised user. Also disables the timeout during registration that waits for the ack. Useful when debugging against a server that does not support notifications.
–no-network-profile-warning Whether or not the browser should warn if the profile is on a network share. This flag is only relevant for Windows currently.
–no-pings Don’t send hyperlink auditing pings
–no-proxy-server Don’t use a proxy server, always make direct connections. Overrides any other proxy server flags that are passed.
–no-recovery-component Prevent downloading and running the recovery component.
–no-referrers Don’t send HTTP-Referer headers.
–no-report-upload Prevent the logging service from uploading logs and reports. WARNING: this switch is used by internal test systems. Be careful when making changes.
–no-sandbox Disables the sandbox for all process types that are normally sandboxed.
–no-sandbox-and-elevated Disables the sandbox and gives the process elevated privileges.
–no-self-delete Prevent the executable from deleting itself after running.
–no-service-autorun Disables the service process from adding itself as an autorun process. This does not delete existing autorun registrations, it just prevents the service from registering a new one.
–no-startup-window Does not automatically open a browser window on startup (used when launching Chrome for the purpose of hosting background apps).
–no-user-gesture-required Autoplay policy that does not require any user gesture.
–no-v8-untrusted-code-mitigations Disables V8 mitigations for executing untrusted code.
–no-wifi Disable features that require WiFi management.
–no-zygote Disables the use of a zygote process for forking child processes. Instead, child processes will be forked and exec’d directly. Note that –no-sandbox should also be used together with this flag because the sandbox needs the zygote to work.
–noerrdialogs Suppresses all error dialogs when present.
–none Must be in sync with “sandbox_type” values as used in service manager’s manifest.json catalog files.
–none_and_elevated No description
–note-taking-app-ids An optional comma-separated list of IDs of apps that can be used to take notes. If unset, a hardcoded list is used instead.
–notification-inline-reply Used in combination with kNotificationLaunchId to specify the inline reply entered in the toast in the Windows Action Center.
–notification-launch-id Used for launching Chrome when a toast displayed in the Windows Action Center has been activated. Should contain the launch ID encoded by Chrome.
–ntp-snippets-add-incomplete If this flag is set, we will add downloaded snippets that are missing some critical data to the list.
–null No description
–num-raster-threads Number of worker threads used to rasterize content.
–oauth-account-manager-url No description
–oauth2-client-id No description
–oauth2-client-secret No description
–off No description
–on No description
–on-the-fly-mhtml-hash-computation Calculate the hash of an MHTML file as it is being saved. The browser process will write the serialized MHTML contents to a file and calculate its hash as it is streamed back from the renderer via a Mojo data pipe.
–oobe-force-show-screen Forces OOBE/login to force show a comma-separated list of screens from chromeos::kScreenNames in oobe_screen.cc. Supported screens are: user-image
–oobe-guest-session Indicates that a guest session has been started before OOBE completion.
–oobe-skip-postlogin Skips all other OOBE pages after user login.
–oobe-skip-to-login Skip to login screen.
–oobe-timer-interval Interval at which we check for total time on OOBE.
–opengraph No description
–optimization-guide-fetch-hints-override Overrides scheduling and time delays for fetching hints and causes a hints fetch immediately on start up using the provided comma separate lists of hosts.
–optimization-guide-fetch-hints-override-timer Overrides the hints fetch scheduling and delay, causing a hints fetch immediately on start up using the TopHostProvider. This is meant for testing.
–optimization-guide-service-api-key Overrides the Optimization Guide Service API Key for remote requests to be made.
–optimization-guide-service-url Overrides the Optimization Guide Service URL that the HintsFetcher will request remote hints from.
–optimization_guide_hints_override Overrides the Hints Protobuf that would come from the component updater. If the value of this switch is invalid, regular hint processing is used. The value of this switch should be a base64 encoding of a binary Configuration message, found in optimization_guide’s hints.proto. Providing a valid value to this switch causes Chrome startup to block on hints parsing.
–origin-trial-disabled-features Contains a list of feature names for which origin trial experiments should be disabled. Names should be separated by “|” characters.
–origin-trial-disabled-tokens Contains a list of token signatures for which origin trial experiments should be disabled. Tokens should be separated by “|” characters.
–origin-trial-public-key Overrides the default public key for checking origin trial tokens.
–original-process-start-time The time that a new chrome process which is delegating to an already running chrome process started. (See ProcessSingleton for more details.)
–output No description
–override “Override” value for kCrosRegionsMode (region’s data is read first).
–override-enabled-cdm-interface-version Overrides the default enabled library CDM interface version(s) with the one specified with this switch, which will be the only version enabled. For example, on a build where CDM 8, CDM 9 and CDM 10 are all supported (implemented), but only CDM 8 and CDM 9 are enabled by default: –override-enabled-cdm-interface-version=8 : Only CDM 8 is enabled –override-enabled-cdm-interface-version=9 : Only CDM 9 is enabled –override-enabled-cdm-interface-version=10 : Only CDM 10 is enabled –override-enabled-cdm-interface-version=11 : No CDM interface is enabled This can be used for local testing and debugging. It can also be used to enable an experimental CDM interface (which is always disabled by default) for testing while it’s still in development.
–override-hardware-secure-codecs-for-testing Overrides hardware secure codecs support for testing. If specified, real platform hardware secure codecs check will be skipped. Codecs are separated by comma. Valid codecs are “vp8”, “vp9” and “avc1”. For example: –override-hardware-secure-codecs-for-testing=vp8,vp9 –override-hardware-secure-codecs-for-testing=avc1 CENC encryption scheme is assumed to be supported for the specified codecs. If no valid codecs specified, no hardware secure codecs are supported. This can be used to disable hardware secure codecs support: –override-hardware-secure-codecs-for-testing
–override-metrics-upload-url Override the URL to which metrics logs are sent for debugging.
–override-plugin-power-saver-for-testing Override the behavior of plugin throttling for testing. By default the throttler is only enabled for a hard-coded list of plugins. Set the value to ‘always’ to always throttle every plugin instance. Set the value to ‘never’ to disable throttling.
–override-use-software-gl-for-tests Forces the use of software GL instead of hardware gpu.
–ozone-dump-file Specify location for image dumps.
–ozone-platform Specify ozone platform implementation to use.
–pack-extension Packages an extension to a .crx installable file from a given directory.
–pack-extension-key Optional PEM private key to use in signing packaged .crx.
–parent-window No description
–passive-listeners-default Override the default value for the ‘passive’ field in javascript addEventListener calls. Values are defined as: ‘documentonlytrue’ to set the default be true only for document level nodes. ‘true’ to set the default to be true on all nodes (when not specified). ‘forcealltrue’ to force the value on all nodes.
–passthrough No description
–password-store Specifies which encryption storage backend to use. Possible values are kwallet, kwallet5, gnome, gnome-keyring, gnome-libsecret, basic. Any other value will lead to Chrome detecting the best backend automatically. TODO(crbug.com/571003): Once PasswordStore no longer uses the Keyring or KWallet for storing passwords, rename this flag to stop referencing passwords. Do not rename it sooner, though; developers and testers might rely on it keeping large amounts of testing passwords out of their Keyrings or KWallets.
–pdf_compositor No description
–pen-devices[18] Tells chrome to interpret events from these devices as pen events. Only available with XInput 2 (i.e. X server 1.8 or above). The id’s of the devices can be retrieved from ‘xinput list’.
–perf-test-print-uma-means Show the mean value of histograms that native performance tests are monitoring. Note that this is only applicable for PerformanceTest subclasses.
–perfetto-disable-interning Repeat internable data for each TraceEvent in the perfetto proto format.
–perfetto-output-file If supplied, will enable Perfetto startup tracing and stream the output to the given file. TODO(oysteine): Remove once Perfetto starts early enough after process startup to be able to replace the legacy startup tracing.
–performance[6] No description
–permission-request-api-scope Development flag for permission request API. This flag is needed until the API is finalized. TODO(bauerb): Remove when this flag is not needed anymore.
–permission-request-api-url Development flag for permission request API. This flag is needed until the API is finalized. TODO(bauerb): Remove when this flag is not needed anymore.
–post-reboot Indicates this run is post-reboot.
–post-reboot-override-cmd Indicates that this is a post-reboot run that should fetch its switches from an external registry key. Important note: When this switch is present in the command line, all other switches are ignored except for kCleanupIdSwitch, which is used to read post-reboot switches from the correct registry location.
–post-reboot-trigger A freeform text string that records what triggered a post-reboot run.
–ppapi No description
–ppapi-antialiased-text-enabled The boolean value (0/1) of FontRenderParams::antialiasing to be passed to Ppapi processes.
–ppapi-broker No description
–ppapi-flash-args “Command-line” arguments for the PPAPI Flash; used for debugging options.
–ppapi-flash-path Use the PPAPI (Pepper) Flash found at the given path.
–ppapi-flash-version Report the given version for the PPAPI (Pepper) Flash. The version should be numbers separated by ‘.’s (e.g., “12.3.456.78”). If not specified, it defaults to “10.2.999.999”.
–ppapi-in-process Runs PPAPI (Pepper) plugins in-process.
–ppapi-plugin-launcher Specifies a command that should be used to launch the ppapi plugin process. Useful for running the plugin process through purify or quantify. Ex: –ppapi-plugin-launcher=”path\to\purify /Run=yes”
–ppapi-startup-dialog Causes the PPAPI sub process to display a dialog on launch. Be sure to use –no-sandbox as well or the sandbox won’t allow the dialog to display.
–ppapi-subpixel-rendering-setting The enum value of FontRenderParams::subpixel_rendering to be passed to Ppapi processes.
–previous-app previous-app should be the app that was running when last-launched-app started.
–print-to-pdf Save a pdf file of the loaded page.
–privet-ipv6-only Use IPv6 only for privet HTTP.
–process-per-site Enable the “Process Per Site” process model for all domains. This mode consolidates same-site pages so that they share a single process. More details here: – https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/process-models – The class comment in site_instance.h, listing the supported process models. IMPORTANT: This isn’t to be confused with –site-per-process (which is about isolation, not consolidation). You probably want the other one.
–process-per-tab Runs each set of script-connected tabs (i.e., a BrowsingInstance) in its own renderer process. We default to using a renderer process for each site instance (i.e., group of pages from the same registered domain with script connections to each other). TODO(creis): This flag is currently a no-op. We should refactor it to avoid “unnecessary” process swaps for cross-site navigations but still swap when needed for security (e.g., isolated origins).
–product-version Outputs the product version information and quit. Used as an internal api to detect the installed version of Chrome on Linux.
–profile-directory Selects directory of profile to associate with the first browser launched.
–profile-requires-policy If set to “true”, the profile requires policy during restart (policy load must succeed, otherwise session restart should fail).
–profiling No description
–profiling-at-start Starts the sampling based profiler for the browser process at startup. This will only work if chrome has been built with the gn arg enable_profiling = true. The output will go to the value of kProfilingFile.
–profiling-file Specifies a location for profiling output. This will only work if chrome has been built with the gyp variable profiling=1 or gn arg enable_profiling=true. {pid} if present will be replaced by the pid of the process. {count} if present will be incremented each time a profile is generated for this process. The default is chrome-profile-{pid} for the browser and test-profile-{pid} for tests.
–profiling-flush Controls whether profile data is periodically flushed to a file. Normally the data gets written on exit but cases exist where chromium doesn’t exit cleanly (especially when using single-process). A time in seconds can be specified.
–progress-bar-animation[8] Specifies Android phone page loading progress bar animation.
–proxy-auto-detect Forces proxy auto-detection.
–proxy-bypass-list Specifies a list of hosts for whom we bypass proxy settings and use direct connections. Ignored unless –proxy-server is also specified. This is a comma-separated list of bypass rules. See: “net/proxy_resolution/proxy_bypass_rules.h” for the format of these rules.
–proxy-pac-url Uses the pac script at the given URL
–proxy-server Uses a specified proxy server, overrides system settings. This switch only affects HTTP and HTTPS requests.
–pseudo No description
–public-accounts-saml-url Url addrress of SAML provider for a SAML public session. TODO: Remove when https://crbug.com/984021 is fixed.
–pull-to-refresh Enables or disables pull-to-refresh gesture in response to vertical overscroll. Set the value to ‘0’ to disable the feature, set to ‘1’ to enable it for both touchpad and touchscreen, and set to ‘2’ to enable it only for touchscreen. Defaults to disabled.
–purge_hint_cache_store Purges the hint cache store on startup, so that it’s guaranteed to be using fresh data.
–quarantine-dir Specifies the quarantine folder instead of the default one.
–rdp_desktop_session No description
–reader-mode-feedback No description
–reader-mode-heuristics No description
–realtime-reporting-url Specifies the URL at which to upload real-time reports.
–rebaseline-pixel-tests[3] Makes browser pixel tests overwrite the reference if it does not match.
–redirect-libassistant-logging Redirects libassistant logging to /var/log/chrome/.
–register-font-files Registers additional font files on Windows (for fonts outside the usual %WINDIR%\Fonts location). Multiple files can be used by separating them with a semicolon (;).
–register-pepper-plugins Register Pepper plugins (see pepper_plugin_list.cc for its format).
–regulatory-label-dir The name of the per-model directory which contains per-region subdirectories with regulatory label files for this model. The per-model directories (if there are any) are located under “/usr/share/chromeos-assets/regulatory_labels/”.
–relauncher[7] A process type (switches::kProcessType) that relaunches the browser. See chrome/browser/mac/relauncher.h.
–remote-debugging-address Use the given address instead of the default loopback for accepting remote debugging connections. Should be used together with –remote-debugging-port. Note that the remote debugging protocol does not perform any authentication, so exposing it too widely can be a security risk.
–remote-debugging-pipe Enables remote debug over stdio pipes [in=3, out=4]. Optionally, specifies the format for the protocol messages, can be either “JSON” (the default) or “CBOR”.
–remote-debugging-port Enables remote debug over HTTP on the specified port.
–remote-debugging-socket-name[8] Enables remote debug over HTTP on the specified socket name.
–remote-debugging-targets Porvides a list of addresses to discover DevTools remote debugging targets. The format is <host>:<port>,…,<host>:port.
–remove-scan-only-uws Allow the engine to remove UwS that isn’t marked cleanable. For testing only.
–renderer No description
–renderer-client-id No description
–renderer-cmd-prefix The contents of this flag are prepended to the renderer command line. Useful values might be “valgrind” or “xterm -e gdb –args”.
–renderer-process-limit Overrides the default/calculated limit to the number of renderer processes. Very high values for this setting can lead to high memory/resource usage or instability.
–renderer-sampling No description
–renderer-startup-dialog Causes the renderer process to display a dialog on launch. Passing this flag also adds service_manager::kNoSandbox on Windows non-official builds, since that’s needed to show a dialog.
–renderer-wait-for-java-debugger[8] Block ChildProcessMain thread of the renderer’s ChildProcessService until a Java debugger is attached.
–renderpass No description
–repl Runs a read-eval-print loop that allows the user to evaluate Javascript expressions.
–report-vp9-as-an-unsupported-mime-type Force to report VP9 as an unsupported MIME type.
–require-audio-hardware-for-testing When running tests on a system without the required hardware or libraries, this flag will cause the tests to fail. Otherwise, they silently succeed.
–require-wlan Only connect to WLAN interfaces.
–reset-variation-state Forces a reset of the one-time-randomized FieldTrials on this client, also known as the Chrome Variations state.
–restore-last-session Indicates the last session should be restored on startup. This overrides the preferences value. Note that this does not force automatic session restore following a crash, so as to prevent a crash loop. This switch is used to implement support for OS-specific “continue where you left off” functionality on OS X and Windows.
–rlz-ping-delay The rlz ping delay (in seconds) that overwrites the default value.
–rtl No description
–run-all-compositor-stages-before-draw Effectively disables pipelining of compositor frame production stages by waiting for each stage to finish before completing a frame.
–run-manual Manual tests only run when –run-manual is specified. This allows writing tests that don’t run automatically but are still in the same test binary. This is useful so that a team that wants to run a few tests doesn’t have to add a new binary that must be compiled on all builds.
–run-web-tests Request the render trees of pages to be dumped as text once they have finished loading.
–run-without-sandbox-for-testing[4] Load the engine outside the sandbox. This is only to be used for manual testing.
–safebrowsing-manual-download-blacklist List of comma-separated sha256 hashes of executable files which the download-protection service should treat as “dangerous.” For a file to show a warning, it also must be considered a dangerous filetype and not be whitelisted otherwise (by signature or URL) and must be on a supported OS. Hashes are in hex. This is used for manual testing when looking for ways to by-pass download protection.
–SafeSites No description
–saml-password-change-url Password change url for SAML users. Remove when https://crbug.com/941489 is fixed.
–sandbox-ipc Causes the process to run as a sandbox IPC subprocess.
–sandbox-mojo-pipe-token Mojo pipe token generated in the broker process and passed to the sandbox process to bind with the EngineCommands IPC interface.
–sandboxed-process-id Used to identify the id of the sandbox process that is intended to be spawned.
–save-page-as-mhtml Disable saving pages as HTML-only, disable saving pages as HTML Complete (with a directory of sub-resources). Enable only saving pages as MHTML. See http://crbug.com/120416 for how to remove this switch.
–scan-locations Used to limit trace locations that will be scanned. Trace locations should be specified as integers, separated by commas. For example: –scan-locations=1,2,3,5
–scanning-timeout Set the timeout for the scanning phase, in minutes. 0 disables the timeout entirely. WARNING: this switch is used by internal test systems. Be careful when making changes.
–scheduler-configuration[6] Selects the scheduler configuration specified in the parameter.
–screen-config Specifies the initial screen configuration, or state of all displays, for FakeDisplayDelegate, see class for format details.
–screenshot Save a screenshot of the loaded page.
–search-provider-logo-url Use a static URL for the logo of the default search engine. Example: https://www.google.com/branding/logo.png
–secondary-display-layout Specifies the layout mode and offsets for the secondary display for testing. The format is “<t|r|b|l>,<offset>” where t=TOP, r=RIGHT, b=BOTTOM and L=LEFT. For example, ‘r,-100’ means the secondary display is positioned on the right with -100 offset. (above than primary)
–service The process type value which causes a process to run as a cloud print service process. DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE. Cloud printing relies on an external binary launching Chrome with this process type.
–service-manager The value of the |kProcessType| switch which tells the executable to assume the role of a standalone Service Manager instance.
–service-name Indicates the name of the service to run. Useful for debugging, or if a service executable is built to support being run as a number of potential different services.
–service-request-attachment-name The name of the |service_manager::mojom::ServiceRequest| message pipe handle that is attached to the incoming Mojo invitation received by the service.
–service-request-channel-token The token to use to construct the message pipe for a service in a child process.
–service-runner The value of the |kProcessType| switch which tells the executable to assume the role of a service instance.
–service-sandbox-type Type of sandbox to apply to the process running the service, one of the values in the next block.
–set-extension-throttle-test-params Set the parameters for ExtensionURLLoaderThrottleBrowserTest.
–shader-disk-cache-size-kb Allows explicitly specifying the shader disk cache size for embedded devices. Default value is 6MB. On Android, 2MB is default and 128KB for low-end devices.
–shared-files Describes the file descriptors passed to a child process in the following list format: <file_id>:<descriptor_id>,<file_id>:<descriptor_id>,… where <file_id> is an ID string from the manifest of the service being launched and <descriptor_id> is the numeric identifier of the descriptor for the child process can use to retrieve the file descriptor from the global descriptor table.
–shelf-dense-clamshell Smaller, denser shelf in clamshell mode.
–shelf-hotseat New modular design for the shelf with apps separated into a hotseat UI.
–shelf-hover-previews App window previews when hovering over the shelf.
–shelf-scrollable Scrollable list of apps on the shelf.
–shill-stub Overrides Shill stub behavior. By default, ethernet, wifi and vpn are enabled, and transitions occur instantaneously. Multiple options can be comma separated (no spaces). Note: all options are in the format ‘foo=x’. Values are case sensitive and based on Shill names in service_constants.h. See FakeShillManagerClient::SetInitialNetworkState for implementation. Examples: ‘clear=1’ – Clears all default configurations ‘wifi=on’ – A wifi network is initially connected (‘1’ also works) ‘wifi=off’ – Wifi networks are all initially disconnected (‘0’ also works) ‘wifi=disabled’ – Wifi is initially disabled ‘wifi=none’ – Wifi is unavailable ‘wifi=portal’ – Wifi connection will be in Portal state ‘cellular=1’ – Cellular is initially connected ‘cellular=LTE’ – Cellular is initially connected, technology is LTE ‘interactive=3’ – Interactive mode, connect/scan/etc requests take 3 secs
–short-merge-session-timeout-for-test[6] Use a short (1 second) timeout for merge session loader throttle testing.
–short-reporting-delay Sets the Reporting API delay to under a second to allow much quicker reports.
–show-aggregated-damage Adds a DebugBorderDrawQuad to the top of the root RenderPass showing the damage rect after surface aggregation. Note that when enabled this feature sets the entire output rect as damaged after adding the quad to highlight the real damage rect, which could hide damage rect problems.
–show-android-files-in-files-app If true, files in Android internal storage will be shown in Files app.
–show-app-list If true the app list will be shown.
–show-autofill-signatures Annotates forms and fields with Autofill signatures.
–show-autofill-type-predictions Annotates forms with Autofill field type predictions.
–show-component-extension-options Makes component extensions appear in chrome://settings/extensions.
–show-composited-layer-borders Renders a border around compositor layers to help debug and study layer compositing.
–show-dc-layer-debug-borders Show debug borders for DC layers – red for overlays and blue for underlays. The debug borders are offset from the layer rect by a few pixels for clarity.
–show-fps-counter Draws a heads-up-display showing Frames Per Second as well as GPU memory usage. If you also use –enable-logging=stderr –vmodule=”head*=1″ then FPS will also be output to the console log.
–show-icons See kHideIcons.
–show-layer-animation-bounds Renders a border that represents the bounding box for the layer’s animation.
–show-layout-shift-regions Visibly render a border around layout shift rects in the web page to help debug and study layout shifts.
–show-login-dev-overlay If true, the developer tool overlay will be shown for the login/lock screen. This makes it easier to test layout logic.
–show-mac-overlay-borders[11] Show borders around CALayers corresponding to overlays and partial damage.
–show-overdraw-feedback Visualize overdraw by color-coding elements based on if they have other elements drawn underneath. This is good for showing where the UI might be doing more rendering work than necessary. The colors are hinting at the amount of overdraw on your screen for each pixel, as follows: True color: No overdraw. Blue: Overdrawn once. Green: Overdrawn twice. Pink: Overdrawn three times. Red: Overdrawn four or more times.
–show-paint-rects Visibly render a border around paint rects in the web page to help debug and study painting behavior.
–show-property-changed-rects Show rects in the HUD around layers whose properties have changed.
–show-screenspace-rects Show rects in the HUD around the screen-space transformed bounds of every layer.
–show-surface-damage-rects Show rects in the HUD around damage as it is recorded into each render surface.
–show-taps Draws a circle at each touch point, similar to the Android OS developer option “Show taps”.
–show-webui-lock If true, the webui lock screen wil be shown. This is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
–show-webui-login Forces the webui login implementation.
–silent-debugger-extension-api Does not show an infobar when an extension attaches to a page using chrome.debugger page. Required to attach to extension background pages.
–silent-launch Causes Chrome to launch without opening any windows by default. Useful if one wishes to use Chrome as an ash server.
–simulate-critical-update Simulates a critical update being available.
–simulate-elevated-recovery Simulates that elevation is needed to recover upgrade channel.
–simulate-outdated Simulates that current version is outdated.
–simulate-outdated-no-au Simulates that current version is outdated and auto-update is off.
–simulate-upgrade Simulates an update being available.
–single-process Runs the renderer and plugins in the same process as the browser
–site-per-process Enforces a one-site-per-process security policy: * Each renderer process, for its whole lifetime, is dedicated to rendering pages for just one site. * Thus, pages from different sites are never in the same process. * A renderer process’s access rights are restricted based on its site. * All cross-site navigations force process swaps. * <iframe>s are rendered out-of-process whenever the src= is cross-site. More details here: – https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/site-isolation – https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/process-models – The class comment in site_instance.h, listing the supported process models. IMPORTANT: this isn’t to be confused with –process-per-site (which is about process consolidation, not isolation). You probably want this one.
–skia-font-cache-limit-mb Specifies the max number of bytes that should be used by the skia font cache. If the cache needs to allocate more, skia will purge previous entries.
–skia-resource-cache-limit-mb Specifies the max number of bytes that should be used by the skia resource cache. The previous entries are purged from the cache when the memory useage exceeds this limit.
–slow-down-compositing-scale-factor Re-draw everything multiple times to simulate a much slower machine. Give a slow down factor to cause renderer to take that many times longer to complete, such as –slow-down-compositing-scale-factor=2.
–slow-down-raster-scale-factor Re-rasters everything multiple times to simulate a much slower machine. Give a scale factor to cause raster to take that many times longer to complete, such as –slow-down-raster-scale-factor=25.
–sms-test-messages Sends test messages on first call to RequestUpdate (stub only).
–spdy-proxy-auth-fallback The origin of the data reduction proxy fallback.
–spdy-proxy-auth-origin The origin of the data reduction proxy.
–spdy-proxy-auth-value A test key for data reduction proxy authentication.
–ssl-key-log-file Causes SSL key material to be logged to the specified file for debugging purposes. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/NSS/Key_Log_Format for the format.
–ssl-version-max Specifies the maximum SSL/TLS version (“tls1.2” or “tls1.3”).
–ssl-version-min Specifies the minimum SSL/TLS version (“tls1”, “tls1.1”, “tls1.2”, or “tls1.3”).
–stable-release-mode This makes us disable some web-platform runtime features so that we test content_shell as if it was a stable release. It is only followed when kRunWebTest is set. For the features’ level, see http://dev.chromium.org/blink/runtime-enabled-features.
–start-fullscreen Specifies if the browser should start in fullscreen mode, like if the user had pressed F11 right after startup.
–start-maximized Starts the browser maximized, regardless of any previous settings.
–start-stack-profiler Starts the stack sampling profiler in the child process.
–started Value for kTestCrosGaiaIdMigration indicating that migration is started (i.e. all stored user keys will be converted to GaiaId)
–stub No description
–suppress-message-center-popups Hides all Message Center notification popups (toasts). Used for testing.
–surface No description
–swiftshader No description
–swiftshader-webgl No description
–sync-allow-insecure-xmpp-connection Allows insecure XMPP connections for sync (for testing).
–sync-deferred-startup-timeout-seconds Allows overriding the deferred init fallback timeout.
–sync-disable-deferred-startup Enables deferring sync backend initialization until user initiated changes occur.
–sync-enable-get-update-before-commits TODO(crbug.com/657130): Sync integration tests depend on the precommit get updates because invalidations aren’t working for them. Therefore, they pass the command line switch to enable this feature. Once sync integrations test support invalidation, this should be removed. Enables feature to perform GetUpdate requests before every commit.
–sync-include-specifics Controls whether the initial state of the “Capture Specifics” flag on chrome://sync-internals is enabled.
–sync-notification-host-port Overrides the default host:port used for notifications.
–sync-short-initial-retry-override This flag causes sync to retry very quickly (see polling_constants.h) the when it encounters an error, as the first step towards exponential backoff.
–sync-short-nudge-delay-for-test This flag significantly shortens the delay between nudge cycles. Its primary purpose is to speed up integration tests. The normal delay allows coalescing and prevention of server overload, so don’t use this unless you’re really sure that it’s what you want.
–sync-url Overrides the default server used for profile sync.
–system-developer-mode Used by FakeDebugDaemonClient to specify that the system is running in dev mode when running in a Linux environment. The dev mode probing is done by session manager.
–system-gesture-start-height The number of pixels from the very top or bottom of the screen to consider as a valid origin for the top or bottom swipe gesture. Overrides the default value in cast_system_gesture_handler.cc.
–system-gesture-start-width The number of pixels from the very left or right of the screen to consider as a valid origin for the left or right swipe gesture. Overrides the default value in cast_system_gesture_handler.cc.
–system-log-upload-frequency Frequency in Milliseconds for system log uploads. Should only be used for testing purposes.
–task-manager-show-extra-renderers Sets the task manager to track extra renderer processes that might not normally be displayed in the task manager.
–test-child-process When running certain tests that spawn child processes, this switch indicates to the test framework that the current process is a child process.
–test-cros-gaia-id-migration Controls CrOS GaiaId migration for tests (“” is default).
–test-do-not-initialize-icu When running certain tests that spawn child processes, this switch indicates to the test framework that the current process should not initialize ICU to avoid creating any scoped handles too early in startup.
–test-encryption-migration-ui Enables testing for encryption migration UI.
–test-gl-lib Flag used for Linux tests: for desktop GL bindings, try to load this GL library first, but fall back to regular library if loading fails.
–test-logging-path Set a path to save logs in while testing.
–test-logging-url Set a test logging URL, where logs will be uploaded.
–test-name Passes the name of the current running automated test to Chrome.
–test-type Type of the current test harness (“browser” or “ui”).
–test-wallpaper-server Enables the wallpaper picker to fetch images from the test server.
–testing Flag set during testing and stored as a crash key, to differentiate from crashes received from actual users. WARNING: this switch is used by internal test systems. Be careful when making changes.
–tether-host-scans-ignore-wired-connections Tells the Chromebook to scan for a tethering host even if there is already a wired connection. This allows end-to-end tests to be deployed over ethernet without that connection preventing scans and thereby blocking the testing of cases with no preexisting connection. Should be used only for testing.
–tether-stub Overrides Tether with stub service. Provide integer arguments for the number of fake networks desired, e.g. ‘tether-stub=2’.
–third-party-doodle-url Overrides the Doodle URL to use for third-party search engines. Testing? Try: https://www.gstatic.com/chrome/ntp/doodle_test/third_party_simple.json https://www.gstatic.com/chrome/ntp/doodle_test/third_party_animated.json
–timeout Issues a stop after the specified number of milliseconds. This cancels all navigation and causes the DOMContentLoaded event to fire.
–tint-gl-composited-content Tint GL-composited color.
–tls1 TLS 1.0 mode for the |kSSLVersionMin| switch.
–tls1.1 TLS 1.1 mode for the |kSSLVersionMin| switch.
–tls1.2 TLS 1.2 mode for |kSSLVersionMax| and |kSSLVersionMin| switches.
–tls1.3 TLS 1.2 mode for |kSSLVersionMax| and |kSSLVersionMin| switches.
–top-chrome-touch-ui Controls touch-optimized UI layout for top chrome.
–top-controls-hide-threshold Percentage of the browser controls need to be hidden before they will auto hide.
–top-controls-show-threshold Percentage of the browser controls need to be shown before they will auto show.
–touch-calibration[12] The calibration factors given as “<left>,<right>,<top>,<bottom>”.
–touch-devices[18] Tells chrome to interpret events from these devices as touch events. Only available with XInput 2 (i.e. X server 1.8 or above). The id’s of the devices can be retrieved from ‘xinput list’.
–touch-events Enable support for touch event feature detection.
–touch-noise-filtering[12] Tells Chrome to do additional touch noise filtering. Should only be used if the driver level filtering is insufficient.
–touch-selection-strategy Controls how text selection granularity changes when touch text selection handles are dragged. Should be “character” or “direction”. If not specified, the platform default is used.
–touchscreen-usable-while-screen-off Chromebases’ touchscreens can be used to wake from suspend, unlike the touchscreens on other Chrome OS devices. If set, the touchscreen is kept enabled while the screen is off so that it can be used to turn the screen back on after it has been turned off for inactivity but before the system has suspended.
–touch_view No description
–trace-config-file Causes TRACE_EVENT flags to be recorded from startup. This flag will be ignored if –trace-startup or –trace-shutdown is provided.
–trace-startup Causes TRACE_EVENT flags to be recorded from startup. Optionally, can specify the specific trace categories to include (e.g. –trace-startup=base,net) otherwise, all events are recorded. Setting this flag results in the first call to BeginTracing() to receive all trace events since startup. In Chrome, you may find –trace-startup-file and –trace-startup-duration to control the auto-saving of the trace (not supported in the base-only TraceLog component).
–trace-startup-duration Sets the time in seconds until startup tracing ends. If omitted a default of 5 seconds is used. Has no effect without –trace-startup, or if –startup-trace-file=none was supplied.
–trace-startup-file If supplied, sets the file which startup tracing will be stored into, if omitted the default will be used “chrometrace.log” in the current directory. Has no effect unless –trace-startup is also supplied. Example: –trace-startup –trace-startup-file=/tmp/trace_event.log As a special case, can be set to ‘none’ – this disables automatically saving the result to a file and the first manually recorded trace will then receive all events since startup.
–trace-startup-owner Specifies the coordinator of the startup tracing session. If the legacy tracing backend is used instead of perfetto, providing this flag is not necessary. Valid values: ‘controller’, ‘devtools’, or ‘system’. Defaults to ‘controller’. If ‘controller’ is specified, the session is controlled and stopped via the TracingController (e.g. to implement the timeout). If ‘devtools’ is specified, the startup tracing session will be owned by DevTools and thus can be controlled (i.e. stopped) via the DevTools Tracing domain on the first session connected to the browser endpoint. If ‘system’ is specified, the system Perfetto service should already be tracing on a supported platform (currently only Android). Session is stopped through the normal methods for stopping system traces.
–trace-startup-record-mode If supplied, sets the tracing record mode; otherwise, the default “record-until-full” mode will be used.
–trace-to-console Sends a pretty-printed version of tracing info to the console.
–trace-to-file Sends trace events from these categories to a file. –trace-to-file on its own sends to default categories.
–trace-to-file-name Specifies the file name for –trace-to-file. If unspecified, it will go to a default file name.
–trace-upload-url Sets the target URL for uploading tracing data.
–translate-ranker-model-url Overrides the URL from which the translate ranker model is downloaded.
–translate-script-url Overrides the default server used for Google Translate.
–translate-security-origin Overrides security-origin with which Translate runs in an isolated world.
–true Value indicating whether flag from command line switch is true.
–trustable-bundled-exchanges-file Accepts specified file as a trustable BundledExchanges file. This flag should be used only for testing purpose.
–trusted-cdn-base-url-for-tests[8] Specifies a base URL for the trusted CDN for tests.
–trusted-download-sources Identifies a list of download sources as trusted, but only if proper group policy is set.
–try-chrome-again Experimental. Shows a dialog asking the user to try chrome. This flag is to be used only by the upgrade process.
–try-supported-channel-layouts Instead of always using the hardware channel layout, check if a driver supports the source channel layout. Avoids outputting empty channels and permits drivers to enable stereo to multichannel expansion. Kept behind a flag since some drivers lie about supported layouts and hang when used. See http://crbug.com/259165 for more details.
–type Indicates the type of process to run. This may be “service-manager”, “service-runner”, or any other arbitrary value supported by the embedder.
–ui-compositor-memory-limit-when-visible-mb No description
–ui-disable-partial-swap Disable partial swap which is needed for some OpenGL drivers / emulators.
–ui-disable-zero-copy No description
–ui-enable-layer-lists Switches the ui compositor to use layer lists instead of layer trees.
–ui-enable-rgba-4444-textures No description
–ui-enable-zero-copy No description
–ui-show-composited-layer-borders No description
–ui-show-fps-counter No description
–ui-show-layer-animation-bounds No description
–ui-show-paint-rects No description
–ui-show-property-changed-rects No description
–ui-show-screenspace-rects No description
–ui-show-surface-damage-rects No description
–ui-slow-animations No description
–uninstall Runs un-installation steps that were done by chrome first-run.
–unlimited-storage Overrides per-origin quota settings to unlimited storage for any apps/origins. This should be used only for testing purpose.
–unsafely-allow-protected-media-identifier-for-domain For automated testing of protected content, this switch allows specific domains (e.g. example.com) to skip asking the user for permission to share the protected media identifier. In this context, domain does not include the port number. User’s content settings will not be affected by enabling this switch. Reference: http://crbug.com/718608 Example: –unsafely-allow-protected-media-identifier-for-domain=a.com,b.ca
–unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure Treat given (insecure) origins as secure origins. Multiple origins can be supplied as a comma-separated list. For the definition of secure contexts, see https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-secure-contexts/ and https://www.w3.org/TR/powerful-features/#is-origin-trustworthy Example: –unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=http://a.test,http://b.test
–upgrade-token No description
–upload-log-file Specifies the full path to a protocol buffer log file to be uploaded.
–use-angle Select which ANGLE backend to use. Options are: default: Attempts several ANGLE renderers until one successfully initializes, varying ES support by platform. d3d9: Legacy D3D9 renderer, ES2 only. d3d11: D3D11 renderer, ES2 and ES3. warp: D3D11 renderer using software rasterization, ES2 and ES3. gl: Desktop GL renderer, ES2 and ES3. gles: GLES renderer, ES2 and ES3.
–use-cmd-decoder Use the Pass-through command decoder, skipping all validation and state tracking. Switch lives in ui/gl because it affects the GL binding initialization on platforms that would otherwise not default to using EGL bindings.
–use-cras[20] Use CRAS, the ChromeOS audio server.
–use-crash-handler-in-tests If present, the test harness will use the crash reporter.
–use-crash-handler-with-id Specifies the IPC pipe name of the crash handler to use (instead of starting a new crash handler process).
–use-fake-codec-for-peer-connection Replaces the existing codecs supported in peer connection with a single fake codec entry that create a fake video encoder and decoder.
–use-fake-device-for-media-stream Use fake device for Media Stream to replace actual camera and microphone.
–use-fake-mjpeg-decode-accelerator Use a fake device for accelerated decoding of MJPEG. This allows, for example, testing of the communication to the GPU service without requiring actual accelerator hardware to be present.
–use-fake-ui-for-media-stream Bypass the media stream infobar by selecting the default device for media streams (e.g. WebRTC). Works with –use-fake-device-for-media-stream.
–use-file-for-fake-audio-capture Play a .wav file as the microphone. Note that for WebRTC calls we’ll treat the bits as if they came from the microphone, which means you should disable audio processing (lest your audio file will play back distorted). The input file is converted to suit Chrome’s audio buses if necessary, so most sane .wav files should work. You can pass either <path> to play the file looping or <path>%noloop to stop after playing the file to completion.
–use-file-for-fake-video-capture Use an .y4m file to play as the webcam. See the comments in media/capture/video/file_video_capture_device.h for more details.
–use-first-display-as-internal Uses the 1st display in –ash-host-window-bounds as internal display. This is for debugging on linux desktop.
–use-gl Select which implementation of GL the GPU process should use. Options are: desktop: whatever desktop OpenGL the user has installed (Linux and Mac default). egl: whatever EGL / GLES2 the user has installed (Windows default – actually ANGLE). swiftshader: The SwiftShader software renderer.
–use-gpu-high-thread-priority-for-perf-tests Increases the priority (to REALTIME_AUDIO) of gpu process and compositor thread. This is only to be used for perf tests on macOS for more reliable values.
–use-gpu-in-tests Use hardware gpu, if available, for tests.
–use-mobile-user-agent Set when Chromium should use a mobile user agent.
–use-mock-cert-verifier-for-testing Use the MockCertVerifier. This only works in test code.
–use-mock-keychain[7] No description
–use-system-default-printer[21] Uses the system default printer as the initially selected destination in print preview, instead of the most recently used destination.
–use-temp-registry-path Override the registry with the specified temporary registry. Used for tests.
–use-viz-hit-test-surface-layer Enables the viz hit-test logic (HitTestAggregator and HitTestQuery), with hit-test data coming from surface layer.
–use-vulkan Enable Vulkan support and select Vulkan implementation, must also have ENABLE_VULKAN defined.
–user-agent A string used to override the default user agent with a custom one.
–user-always-affiliated Always treat user as affiliated. TODO(antrim): Remove once test servers correctly produce affiliation ids.
–user-data-dir Directory where the browser stores the user profile.
–user-gesture-required Autoplay policy to require a user gesture in order to play.
–user-response-timeout Set the timeout for how long to wait for user response from Chrome, in minutes. 0 disables the timeout entirely.
–utility No description
–utility-and-browser No description
–utility-cmd-prefix The contents of this flag are prepended to the utility process command line. Useful values might be “valgrind” or “xterm -e gdb –args”.
–utility-sampling No description
–utility-startup-dialog Causes the utility process to display a dialog on launch.
–v Gives the default maximal active V-logging level; 0 is the default. Normally positive values are used for V-logging levels.
–v8-cache-options Set options to cache V8 data. (off, preparse data, or code)
–validate-crx Examines a .crx for validity and prints the result.
–validate-input-event-stream In debug builds, asserts that the stream of input events is valid.
–validating The command decoder names that can be passed to –use-cmd-decoder.
–variations-insecure-server-url Specifies a custom URL for the server to use as an insecure fallback when requests to |kVariationsServerURL| fail. Requests to this URL will be encrypted.
–variations-override-country Allows overriding the country used for evaluating variations. This is similar to the “Override Variations Country” entry on chrome://translate-internals, but is exposed as a command-line flag to allow testing First Run scenarios. Additionally, unlike chrome://translate-internals, the value isn’t persisted across sessions.
–variations-server-url Specifies a custom URL for the server which reports variation data to the client. Specifying this switch enables the Variations service on unofficial builds. See variations_service.cc.
–version No description
–video-image-texture-target Texture target for CHROMIUM_image backed video frame textures.
–video-threads Set number of threads to use for video decoding.
–video-underflow-threshold-ms Allows clients to override the threshold for when the media renderer will declare the underflow state for the video stream when audio is present. TODO(dalecurtis): Remove once experiments for http://crbug.com/470940 finish.
–virtual-time-budget If set the system waits the specified number of virtual milliseconds before deeming the page to be ready. For determinism virtual time does not advance while there are pending network fetches (i.e no timers will fire). Once all network fetches have completed, timers fire and if the system runs out of virtual time is fastforwarded so the next timer fires immediatley, until the specified virtual time budget is exhausted.
–vmodule Gives the per-module maximal V-logging levels to override the value given by –v. E.g. “my_module=2,foo*=3” would change the logging level for all code in source files “my_module.*” and “foo*.*” (“-inl” suffixes are also disregarded for this matching). Any pattern containing a forward or backward slash will be tested against the whole pathname and not just the module. E.g., “*/foo/bar/*=2” would change the logging level for all code in source files under a “foo/bar” directory.
–vsync-interval Overrides the vsync interval used by the GPU process to refresh the display.
–vulkan No description
–vulkan-null No description
–wait-for-debugger Will wait for 60 seconds for a debugger to come to attach to the process.
–wait-for-debugger-children Will add kWaitForDebugger to every child processes. If a value is passed, it will be used as a filter to determine if the child process should have the kWaitForDebugger flag passed on or not.
–wait-for-initial-policy-fetch-for-test Used to tell the policy infrastructure to not let profile initialization complete until policy is manually set by a test. This is used to provide backward compatibility with a few tests that incorrectly use the synchronously-initialized login profile to run their tests – do not add new uses of this flag.
–wake-on-wifi-packet Enables wake on wifi packet feature, which wakes the device on the receipt of network packets from whitelisted sources.
–wallet-service-use-sandbox Use the sandbox Online Wallet service URL (for developer testing).
–watcher Causes the process to run as a watcher process.
–waveout-buffers Number of buffers to use for WaveOut.
–webapk-server-url[8] Custom WebAPK server URL for the sake of testing.
–webgl-antialiasing-mode Set the antialiasing method used for webgl. (none, explicit, implicit, or screenspace)
–webgl-msaa-sample-count Set a default sample count for webgl if msaa is enabled.
–webrtc-event-log-proactive-pruning-delta Sets the delay (in seconds) between proactive prunings of remote-bound WebRTC event logs which are pending upload. All positive values are legal. All negative values are illegal, and ignored. If set to 0, the meaning is “no proactive pruning”.
–webrtc-event-log-upload-delay-ms WebRTC event logs will only be uploaded if the conditions hold for this many milliseconds.
–webrtc-event-log-upload-no-suppression Normally, remote-bound WebRTC event logs are uploaded only when no peer connections are active. With this flag, the upload is never suppressed.
–webrtc-event-logging Enable capture and local storage of WebRTC event logs without visiting chrome://webrtc-internals. This is useful for automated testing. It accepts the path to which the local logs would be stored. Disabling is not possible without restarting the browser and relaunching without this flag.
–webrtc-max-cpu-consumption-percentage Configure the maximum CPU time percentage of a single core that can be consumed for desktop capturing. Default is 50. Set 100 to disable the throttling of the capture.
–webrtc-stun-probe-trial Renderer process parameter for WebRTC Stun probe trial to determine the interval. Please see SetupStunProbeTrial in chrome_browser_field_trials_desktop.cc for more detail.
–webview-disable-safebrowsing-support used to disable safebrowsing functionality in webview
–webview-enable-shared-image Used to enable shared image API for webview.
–webview-enable-vulkan Used to enable vulkan draw mode instead of interop draw mode for webview.
–webview-log-js-console-messages No description
–webview-sandboxed-renderer No description
–whitelisted-extension-id Adds the given extension ID to all the permission whitelists.
–win-jumplist-action Specifies which category option was clicked in the Windows Jumplist that resulted in a browser startup.
–window-position Specify the initial window position: –window-position=x,y
–window-size Sets the initial window size. Provided as string in the format “800,600”.
–window-workspace Specify the initial window workspace: –window-workspace=id
–winhttp-proxy-resolver Uses WinHTTP to fetch and evaluate PAC scripts. Otherwise the default is to use Chromium’s network stack to fetch, and V8 to evaluate.
–with-cleanup-mode-logs Identify that the elevated cleaner process is allowed to collect logs. This shouldn’t be set if |kExecutionModeSwitch| is not ExecutionMode::kCleaner.
–wm-window-animations-disabled If present animations are disabled.
–xr_compositing No description
–zygote Causes the process to run as a zygote.

机房名称 机房介绍 是否推荐
广州较场西路机房 中国电信5星级机房,华南骨干出口,广州市中心机房,交通便利,总带宽200G,为华南骨干出口。
广州人民中路机房 中国电信3星级机房,超高速的20Gx2主备双线路带宽直接接入ChinaNET骨干层。
广州天河科技园机房 天河软件园建中路4号,中国互联网应急中心机房,国家政府机关直属。多线接入骨干BGP线路。
电子商务部广州机房 天河软件建业路上(科韵路)的国际电子商务中心大厦甲级写字楼内,机房环境一流。多线接入骨干BGP线路。
广州电信加速器机房 位于广州市萝岗区开源大道1号企业加速器B1栋一楼,按照国际T3+及国标B+级标准建造,机房环境一流。多线接入骨干网。
广州移动旗锐机房 广州科学城南翔二路1号旗锐数字科技园区内,属于第三方私立机房,现由移动运营,从粤西汇聚节点直连CMNET骨干网。
广州移动南方基地机房 中国移动广州南方基地机房位于广州市天河软件园高塘大道333号,用于移动骨干网线路,是移动服务器托管优质机房。
东莞电信道滘机房 中国电信4星级机房,总带宽320G,可提供电信和多线BGP线路,华南骨干机房,稳定高速,性价比高。
东莞电信东城机房 中国电信4星级机房,总带宽320G,性价比高,可提供电信和多线BGP线路和200G集群硬件防火墙VIP防护。
东莞电信樟木头机房 中国电信4星级机房,总带宽320G,可提供电信和多线BGP线路和100G集群硬件防火墙企业级防护。
深圳互联港湾机房 深圳南山高新区中区软件大厦四楼,电信3星级机房,20G带宽接入骨干网络。
深圳南山科兴机房 位于深圳市南山区科技园科苑路15号科兴科学园,3星级机房,可提供双线接入等业务。
深圳百旺信机房 深圳市南山区西丽松白公路百旺信工业区A区(一区)一栋属于第三方机房,可提供双线接入等业务。
佛山电信信息大厦机房 佛山市汾江南路35号电信佛山分公司信息大厦8-9层,是中国电信3星级机房,可提供双线接入等业务。
中山电信火炬机房 机房位于中山市火炬区康乐大道47号电信3楼,是中国电信3星级机房,可提供双线接入等业务。
江苏徐州电信机房 机房位于江苏徐州市新城区镜泊东路4号,徐州市档案馆东侧,是中国电信3星级机房,可提供双线接入等业务。
江苏常州电信机房 机房位于江苏省常州市清凉路108号常州信息港,是中国电信4星级机房,可提供双线接入等业务。
香港TKO机房 机房靠近香港交易所的数据中心位置和香港商业中心,拥有PCCW、GTT、Cogent、Telia、TATA、CT、CN2、CU线路。
香港将军澳机房 机房在香港新界將軍澳工業邨駿昌街22號,与阿里云香港机房同属一栋楼,拥有多种线路接入。
香港新世界机房 香港新世界机房的海底电缆系统遍布全球,能直接连接多个国家,免备案,服务器租用、云服务器等业务。
香港NTT机房 香港NTT电讯机房,是一座专用数据中心,在香港大埔,免备案,提供服务器租用、VPS云服务器等业务。
美国洛杉矶机房 位于美国洛杉矶,直连全球,是全球带宽最集中的地方,是外贸企业首选,该机房只提供服务器租用业务。
美国加州DCS机房 位于美国加州,直连全球,是美国的华人机房,是外贸企业首选,该机房只提供服务器租用业务。
美国圣何塞机房 位于美国圣何塞,紧邻科技中心-硅谷,直连全球,是外贸企业首选,该机房只提供服务器租用业务。
韩国首尔KT机房 韩国首尔的江南区道谷洞数据中心,光纤直连电信(CN2)、移动、PCCW、NTT等网络核心骨干。
台湾中华电信机房 台湾中华电信机房位于台湾台北市114内湖区瑞光路68号3楼,是台湾对外最重要的电信枢纽之一。
菲律宾PLDT机房 菲律宾PLDT机房拥有PCCW、TATA、CT、CN2等线路接入,优化线路到中国大陆速度快,延迟低,网络稳定。
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    Copyright 2005-2020 迅恒 版权所有   公司地址:广州市天河区中山大道中路77号  广州机房:较长西路21号广州电信超级信息港 香港机房:香港新界葵涌葵丰街钟意恒胜中心  粤公网安备44010602002183